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Chapter 25 Progress and its Discontents Test Review Multiple Choice Question Terms to Study: Identify/define and explain

the significance of the following: demographic transition, James Maxwell, pasteurization, positivism, Karl Marx, proletariat, Charles Darwin, Social Darwinism, thermodynamics, Dmitry Mendeleev, Auguste Comte, sociology, the Communist Manifesto, dialectical materialism, evolution, Herbert Spencer, Belle Epoque, Naturalism, anarchism, Georges Sorel, Friedrich Nietzsche, Paris Commune, Dreyfus affair, Eduard Bernstein, Francesco Crispi, Alexander III, October Manifesto, Cadets, Labour party, the woman question., First International, Vatican Council (1869-1870), Pope Leo XIII, Henri Bergson, anti-Semitism, German Social Democrats, Third Republic, Giovanni Giolitti, Russo-Japanese War, Bloody Sunday, Fundamental Laws, St. Petersburg Soviet, Gladstone, David Lloyd George, Irish home rule, second Industrial Revolution, German economic expansion, British economic growth, British demographic changes, 19th century scientific research, dialectical process of history, Social Darwinism, revolt of the paris Commune, anti-Semitism Possible Essays for Next Test *SELECT ONE QUESTION FROM BELOW ON WHICH TO WRITE AN ANALYTICAL ESSAYDUE THE DAY OF THE QUIZ Outline the major ideas of Karl Marx. Discuss the theoretical and practical implications of Marxism, and why the movement had such appeal in the nineteenth century. Charles Darwins influence was not limited to science, but extended to social theory as well. How were Darwins ideas translated into social theory, and what movements in European political and economic life were they used to support? By the late nineteenth century, liberal ideology and society were clearly under attack from a number of sides. What were those attacks and their origins? Who did the attacks seek to mobilize? What effect did they have on governments?

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