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From: Legge, Diana SenL Tue Apr 2414:43:36 2OO7 To: Mogford,John Cc: Pearl, David DJ SubJect Draft

Board Minutes 15 & 16 March lmportance: Normal .Attachmsnts: Mogford ?3.04 draft 2007.03.15&16Board Mins.doc DeerJohn at I attachrbe draft minute for the irem you presented the BoardMeetinghetd on l5&16 March for your rcview. I on apofogisefor the sliort notice but would bi gratefut if ,voucoutd let me have any cofiunentsby close of business rirurJdayjust in caseI cxn getthesefinalisid to go out rvith the Boardpapersnextweek,but if this is rrotpossible pleaselet rncknoq:. Many tlranks Diana <<...>>

Diono Legge Secretary & Technical Advisor Minute

Tet:02074962106 Ernail: di ana.legge@bp.conr
Jaures's Squale' BP pJ.c., a conrpanyregirture.l iu EngJanrlauil Walcs with the nBnbr 102498 asd wlrcssrngisttred olEce h I St Lpndoa SWIY 4PD.

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court rters, Inc.


1 BP-HZN-2 7gMD102308002

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