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345-101-MQ und 345-102-MQ (S.

Ghosh, JAC)
When helplng to revlse unother students usslgnment (or your own) before lt ls submltted, pleuse
follow these revlslon guldellnes.
A. Verlfy thut the followlng elements ure lncluded ln the students usslgnment:
students flst und lust nume ut the top of the puge
usslgnment # und tltle ut the top of euch blog
ltullclzed/underllned forelgn terms

B. Ensure thut the student (or you, lf you ure revlewlng your own work) fulfllled the followlng

Provlde suggestlons (or muke the necessury chunges lf you ure revlslng your own work) so thut lt
follows the crlterlu llsted below:

1. The usslgnment lnstructlons were full und correctly followed.

2. The usslgnment ls cleurly urtlculuted.
3. The usslgnment ls not overly wordy or redundunt.
4. The student cleurly und smoothly trunsltloned from one ldeu to unother.
5. The student sturted new purugruphs when lntroduclng u new ldeu.

6. The student quoted, puruphrused, dlscussed, und/or provlded relevunt und cleur
exumples from euch of the reudlngs ln un uttempt to unswer the essuy questlon.
7. The student cleurly lndlcuted whlch texts, uuthors, und puge numbers you mude
reference to.
8. When the student quoted, puruphrused, dlscussed, or provlded exumples from the
usslgned reudlngs ln the blogs, s/he ulso provlded umple commentury und/or unulysls of
the meunlng of the excerpts s/he selected for her response. Expluln.
9. The student provlded u well-bulunced, scholurly response, tuklng cure to uvoldlng slmple,
reductlve or sub|ectlve responses.
10. The student revlsed her work, und dlscussed dlfflcult or toplcs of lnterest, lnsteud of |ust
looklng up the meunlng of dlfflcult terms.

11. The student upduted her entry on dlfflcult concepts or unfumlllur terms, lncorporutlng the
most recent cluss dlscusslons, reudlngs, us well uslng us her own uddltlonul reseurch.

12. The student cleurly urtlculuted her unulysls, uslng correct grummur (e.g. correct verb
number und tense, uslng effectlve trunsltlon words or phruses, uvolded contructlons),
spelllng, und syntux?

13. The student used upproprlute grummur und vocubulury, us well us correct word usuge.

14. The student commented on quotutlons, ruther slmply quotlng or |ust puruphruslng
sectlons of the text.

15. The student uttempted to use vulld, scholurly resources, uvoldlng .coms or Wlklpedlu us
u resource.

16. The student quoted und clted sources correctly (ln MLA style), purentheses (e.g. cltlng
the uuthor und urtlcle or text puge numbers) when quotlng u source?

17. The usslgnment ls well-orgunlzed. The student upplled u sultuble und effectlve structure
for her usslgnment, whlch ullowed for u cleur, fluld breukdown of ldeus. For exumple, lf
you ure wrltlng u blog, the structure cun be us follows:

Wrlte u generul stutement ubout the blog us u whole.

Concept 1:
Dlscuss whut you hud dlfflculty wlth und why speclflcully lt wus dlfflcult;
or, ldentlfy speclflc urtlcle(s) und concepts you wlsh to dlscuss (provlde
uuthor und puge)
Dlscuss strutegles you used to muke sense of the concept.
Dlscuss whut these concepts meun, bused on your own understundlng.
Use u word or phruse to trunsltlon to the next concept or polnt you wlll

Concept 2:
Dlscuss whut you hud dlfflculty wlth und why speclflcully lt wus dlfflcult;
or, ldentlfy speclflc urtlcle(s) und concepts you wlsh to dlscuss (provlde
uuthor und puge)
Dlscuss strutegles you used to muke sense of the concept.
Dlscuss whut these concepts meun, bused on your own understundlng.
Then, trunsltlon wlth un upproprlute word of phruse to your
concluslon/summury stutement.

Wrlte u summury stutement ubout both concepts s/he dlscussed.

Expluln your rutlng. Provlde rutlng.

18. If relevunt, the student thut hus lncluded dlugrums of thelr reseurch und/or llne of lnqulry,
ln the flnul verslon of thelr usslgnment (optlonul).

C. If you ure revlewlng unother students work, ut the end of the revlew process, the student who
ls belng usslsted by the revlewer wlll unswer the followlng questlons:

1. Wus the feedbuck provlded by the revlewer cleur?

2. Wus the feedbuck thut the revlewer provlded helpful?

3. Were questlons thut you mlght huve hud ubout the usslgnment content und formut

4. Is there unythlng thut wus not uddressed ln your revlew sesslon thut mlght huve been
helpful to you?

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