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IMC COMPETITON IMC Capstone: Ad Lab 2011 Team Places Second at Nationals

Integrated Marketing Communications majors from the Park School s Ad Lab class traveled to San Diego, California in June to compete in the American Advertising Federation's (AAF) National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC). The team won second place, losing by .3 overall.

The team previously won the District 2 competition in New York City in order to qualify for the national championships.

Each year, IMC students in this senior capstone course spend a semester researching and developing a campaign. This year's client was jcpenney and the goal was to increase shopping frequency and grow share of wallet among female customers ages 25-34 while staying within a $100 million budget. To see some of their work, visit the Ad Lab photo gallery.

The team included: Patrick Ballester, Maya Ben-Yaacov, Joann DeLanoy, Amy Diehl, Jacqueline Dong, Christianne Enos, Key Fox, Ryan Gilpatrick, Allyson Hotchkin, Jennifer Kamish, Zachary Keller, Beth Pinsker, Emily Race, Matthew Reid, Madison Rizzo, Amanda Roselli, Shayna Saunders, Alexandra Scillieri, Chloe Scutt, Mariel Simens, Jessica Spencer, Lauren Strassman, Mykal Urbina, and Gina Uttaro.

"From winning District 2 in NYC to competing against 18 other schools at nationals in San Diego, this year's American Advertising Federation (AAF) National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) was an amazing experience for our team," said Associate Professor Scott Hamula, Ad Lab's adviser and chair of the Department of Strategic Communication. "During the final deliberations, the judges said that they went back-and-forth over first and second place. It was that close. In the end, the entire Ithaca College Ad Lab team is very proud and excited to be #2 in the nation (#1 plans book)!"

As the second place winner of the national competition, Ithaca College will receive a cash award of $3,000 from jcpenney and an Apple giftcard for $1,250 from ICED Media for technology upgrades at the school.

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