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Five Theories of Motivation

Five Theories of Motivation

Mary Learned Motivational Theory and Classroom Management UNE 1/23/11

Five Theories of Motivation

ABSTRACT Academic motivation can be understood through ve different theories. These theories are the self-determination theory, attribution theory, expectancy value theory, social cognitive theory, and the goal oriented theory.

Five Theories of Motivation The ve theories of motivation focus primarily on two types of motivational factors, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within an individual. It is the basic idea that there is a personal joy or positive feeling when pursuing a task. There is an element of natural curiosity and desire to learn the subject matter that has a personal benet. Extrinsic motivation is inuenced by outside factors. There are rewards that rely on the successful completion of a task. Sometimes extrinsic motivation is engaged when the student is attempting to avoid negative repercussions in a situation (such as not being able to play basketball for failing a class).

The self-determination theorists look at a multitude of human behaviors that relate to motivation. The theory itself pushes that people need three things; they need to feel that they are good at what they are doing, connected to what they are doing and to feel self-directed, free from outside controls. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors play a large role in this theory. Rewards seem to be negative with regards to creating motivation within students.

The attribution theory focuses on individuals asking the question to why? something happened or his happening. They then run through emotions that will promote some sort of change. This change could motivate them to do more, or it could motivate them to do less. It all depends upon the stability, locus and control of the event. The stability is with regards to the cause of an event

Five Theories of Motivation and whether or not it can be changed or is constant. The locus is referring to where the cause is coming from (within or outside the individual). Control is the mental piece, where the individual actually decides if they can change the course of action in future events which will impact motivation.

Expectancy-value theories can be inuenced greatly by outside sources (such as teachers). It focuses on achievement motivation. The combination of a student's desires and abilities to succeed in task are scrutinized by these theorists. Valuing the task and expecting success are two main keys in motivational engagement.

Social cognitive theory is based primarily on what an individual has to offer personally, connecting with the environment they are in and behaviors surrounding situations. The need to be socially accepted plays a huge role. These three main threads depend upon and affect each other complimentarily. Self-efcacy (the belief that you can perform a task) is also brought into the spotlight with this theory.

When you focus on the reasons why students engage in activities, you are more prone to be looking at the goal orientation theory. This theory is basically broken down into two types of goal categories: mastery and performance. Performance goals is primarily what it sounds like, based upon performance. Comparing the end result to others is usually a focus for students, where they fell in terms of grades with regards to the rest of the class. Mastery goals focus on the material that is being learned and the success with which one has grasped the material. The only person in the spotlight is the one who is trying to master the material, the quality of the content is

Five Theories of Motivation being compared to the standard, not to another student. These two categories are also divided into sub categories for each; avoidance and approach goals. Teachers can greatly impact what motivational direction students move in with how they deal with assignments, rewards, showcasing of work, etc.

Regardless of what theory you are looking at, both the teacher and the student are key elements when it comes to being motivated to being successful in class.

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