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Effectiveness and efficiency of individual learning in school is dependent on the teacher's role. Abin Shamsuddin (2003) argues that in terms of education broadly, an ideal teacher should be able to act as: 1. Conservator (guardian) value system which is the source of the norm of maturity; 2. Innovator (developer) value system of science; 3. Transmitters (successor) systems that value to students; 4. Transformer (translator) value systems through the incarnation and in his personal behavior, in the process of interaction with the target learners; 5. Organizer (organizer) creation of an educational process that can be accounted for, either formally (to the party who raised and charged) or morally (to the target learners, as well as the God who created it). While limited in terms of education, citing thoughts Abin Shamsuddin Gage and Berliner, argued the role of teachers in the learning process of students, which includes: 1. Teacher as a planner (planner) who must prepare for what will be done in the teaching-learning process (pre-teaching problems).; 2. Teachers as implementers (organizer), which should be able to create situations, lead, stimulate, mobilize, and direct the teaching and learning activities in accordance with the plan, where it acts as a resource (resource person), the wise leadership consultant in the sense of democratic & humanistic ( human) in the process (During teaching problems). 3. Teachers as assessors (evaluators) to collect, analyze, interpret and finally had to give consideration (judgment), above the level of success of the learning process, based on defined criteria, both about aspects of the effectiveness of the process and product qualification. Furthermore, in the context of teaching and learning process in Indonesia, Abin Shamsuddin adds one more role is as a mentor (teacher counsel), in which the teacher is required to identify students suspected of having learning difficulties, perform diagnostics, prognosis, and if still within the limits authority, should help to solve (remedial teaching). On the other hand, Moh. Surya (1997) argued about the role of teachers

in schools, families and communities. In schools, teachers act as designers of learning, learning management, appraisal of learning outcomes of students, director of learning and mentor learners. While in the family, teachers act as educators in the family (family educator). Meanwhile in the community, teachers' role as community builder (social developer), inventor of the community (social innovators), and community agencies (social agents). Furthermore, also raised about the role of teachers associated with the activity of teaching and educational administration, personal self (self-oriented), and from a psychological standpoint. In conjunction with learning activities and administration of education, teachers play the role as: 1. Initiative taker, steering, and appraiser education; 2. Community representatives in school, meaning that the teacher acts as a carrier of voice and interests of society in education; 3. An expert in his field, ie mastering the material to be taught; 4. Disciplinarian, the teacher must ensure that learners carry out discipline; 5. Implementing educational administration, which is responsible for teacher education can take place very well; 6. The leader of the younger generation, meaning that teachers are responsible for directing the development of learners as young people who will be heir to the future; and 7. Translator to the community, ie teachers' role is to deliver a variety of advanced science and technology to society. On view in terms of self-personal (self-oriented), a teacher acts as: 1. The social worker (social worker), ie one who must provide services to the community; 2. Students and scientists, that a man must constantly learn continuously to develop the scientific mastery; 3. Parents, it means teachers are representatives of parents of students for each of the students in the school; 4. exemplary model, meaning that the teacher is a model of behavior that should be emulated by mpara learners; and 5. Giver of salvation for all learners. Learners are expected to feel safe in teacher education. From a psychological point of view, teachers play the role as: 1. Educational psychologists, meaning that the teacher is one who understands the psychology of education and be able to practice it in carrying out their duties as educators; 2. artist in human relations (artist in human relations), meaning that the teacher is a person who has the ability to create an atmosphere of human relations, especially with the learners so that they can achieve educational goals; 3. Forming the group (group builder), which is capable mambentuk create a group and its activities as a way to achieve educational goals; 4. Catalyc agent or an innovator, that teacher is a person who is able to create a renewal for making a good thing; and

5. Mental health workers (mental hygiene worker), which means that teachers are responsible for the creation of the mental health of the learners. Meanwhile, Doyle was quoted as saying by Sudarwan Danim (2002) promoted two major roles of teachers in learning the created order (Order Establishing) and facilitate the learning process (facilitating learning). The definition of regularity here include things that directly or indirectly associated with the learning process, such as: seating layout, the discipline of students in class, interaction with fellow learners, learner interaction with teachers, clock in and out for each session subjects, the management of learning resources, learning materials management, procedures and systems that support the learning process, learning environment, and others. In line with the challenges of global life, roles and responsibilities of teachers in the future will be increasingly complex, so it requires teachers to always perform a variety of improvement and adjustment of their professional ability. Teachers should be more dynamic and creative in developing the learning process of learners. Teachers in the future no longer be the only one of the most well informed on a variety of information and knowledge is growing, evolving, interacting with humans in the universe. In the future, teachers are not the only people who are smarter in the middle of the participant students. If the teacher does not understand the mechanism and pattern of dissemination of information so quickly, he slumped in a professional would. If this happens, he will lose the confidence of both learners, parents and the community. To face the challenge professionalism, teachers need to be anticipatory and proactive thinking. That is, teachers need to update its knowledge of science and continuously. In addition, future teachers must understand in order to support research on the effectiveness of teaching is performing, so with the support of penelitiaan teachers do not get stuck on teaching practices according to the assumptions they have been effective, yet in reality it off the creativity of the participant students. Likewise, with the support of cutting-edge research results that allow teachers to do the teaching that vary from year to year, adjusted to the context of developments in science and technology progress.


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