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CASE- 02


a) What errors do you feel the ABC Company made in the implementation of QAP?

In my opinion, ABC Company did not introduce the QAP with the proper way. ABC
company shall follow the below step in order to introduce the QAP. ABC supposed
Establish management commitment. It is seen as vital that the whole management team
participates in the programme, a half-hearted effort will fail. All the management staff
supposed be a member of this QAP committee. ABC company supposed used internal
staff to form the committee.

ABC company should form quality improvement teams. This is to emphasis a multi-
disciplinary team effort. An initiative from the quality department only will not be
successful. The team work is very important to make sure the QAP conducted with
successful. It is considered essential to build team working across arbitrary and often
artificial organisational boundaries. QAP in ABC company failed because there is no team
work between the old staff and new staff. They are blaming each other for the problem
occurred. ABC company should establish quality measurements. These must be applied to
every activity throughout the company. A proper way must be found to capture every
aspects, design, manufacturing, delivery and so on. These measurements will be used to
evaluate the cost of quality. This evaluation must highlight, using the measures
established, where quality improvement will be profitable. Before introduce the QAP,

After the management fully understand about the QAP, they should hold a zero
defects day to establish the attitude and expectation within the company. Company ABC
also should encourage the setting of goals for improvement. This Goals are of course of
no value unless they are related to appropriate timescales for their achievement. After
setting improvement goals, ABC company should do oobstacle reporting. This will
encourage employees to advise management about the factors which prevent them
achieving error free work. This might cover defective or inadequate equipment poor

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quality components etc. Company ABC also need to recognise that the contributors, those
who contribute to the programme should be rewarded through a formal although non-
monetary reward scheme. Finally, ABC Company must establish a Quality council These
are essentially forums composed of quality professionals and team leaders allowing them
to communicate and determine action plans for further quality improvement. All the
procedure and processes will take care by the Quality councils. ABC company should do
it all over again. The achievement of quality is an ongoing process. The training regarding
QAP should conduct regularly to make sure the information about QAP up to date. QAP
in ABC Company failed because they never use a proper way to implement QAP. If they
implement QAP using above mentioned steps, they will succeed.

(b) What remedial actions would you take to improve the present situation?

Since the QAP failed and the quality level getting worsen, I would suggest to implement
below steps in ABC Company:

Designing for Quality

Planning for Quality Assurance: ABC Company should develop a vision and strategy
for Quality Assurance activities. They should assign duties, and allocate resources for
QAP implement.

Developing Guidelines and Setting Standards: ABC Company should define

expectations for quality. Quality Councils must develop guide lines and set standards
for QAP implementation.

Communicating Guidelines and Standards: ABC Company must ensure that those
who must apply the standards are aware of them, understand them, and believe in
them. Training must conduct to ensure all staff aware of QAP.


Monitoring Quality: ABC Company must develop indicators and collect data to measure
performance and to identify current or impending problems.

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ABC Company also need to implement and evaluate Quality Improvement Efforts. They must
plan the implementation of the solution (who, what, where, when, how), execute the test, and
determine whether to expand implementation, modify the solution to make it more feasible or
effective, or drop the solution in favor of another. Quality improvement depends on
effectively implementing the appropriate solution. Even a well-chosen solution will not
resolve the problem if it is poorly planned, implemented, and monitored. This final step,
commonly known as the PDCA cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Act. It is designed to ensure that the
solution is properly implemented. This final step comprises four major activities:

1) planning implementation of the solution (PLAN),

2) implementing the solution (DO),
3) following up to determine if the solution has had the intended results
4) making decisions about whether to expand implementation, to modify the
solution, or to choose another solution to test (ACT).
Almost every solution will require some changes in individuals’ work, behavior, or roles
and responsibilities. People often feel threatened by change unless they are convinced of
the need for it, can envision how circumstances will be improved, and understand the
changes that will occur. It is essential to recognize resistance to change and to address it
directly; otherwise, problem-solving efforts will be undermined. Some strategies to reduce
resistance to change include:

1) inviting people to participate in planning the change,

2) providing a clear picture of the change,

3) sharing information about the changes: secrecy and surprises create anxiety,

4) demonstrating commitment to the change: being a positive role model,

5) offering positive reinforcement for changes and early successes.

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