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Delay In Marriage

On the morning of 11 July 2009 one of my friends told me about his uncle who was very disturbed because his only daughter wasnt married. I asked him the birth details of the girl. Here are the birth details. Date of birth: sep.22.1976 Time of birth: 12:20 Place of birth: Nawada (Bihar) D-1 It is the horoscope of a well qualified educated girl. The native had graduated from the prestigious Hans Raj College, New Delhi and was called for interview twice by the U.P.S.C but wasnt selected. After that she did M.B.A from another renowned college from Pune,with specialization in Finance. Now she is a branch manager in the Royal Bank Of Scotlant branch in Gurgaon,Haryana and earning a fabulous salary. However, the main problem is when her marriage will take place. In the Indian context if a girl isnt married at the desirable age of 20 to 25, it causes formidable tension for her father and family. I assured my friends uncle not to wary and have faith in the almighty. He is the greatest magician in this universe. Her horoscope cast on the basis of the data is given below. The analysis is very simple and straight forward. It is a Sagittarius lagna and its Lord Jupiter is situated in the sixth house. The seventh lord Mercury is in the tenth house with karmic Rajyoga planet Sun and Mars which are ninth and fifth lord respectively. It is a very good combination about study and career prospects because two Digabali planets are situated in the tenth house, which is aspected by lagan lord Jupiter from the sixth house. It is a rare astrological combination she has. It is easily and clearly reflected in the natives life. However, though well qualified and working in a reputed private bank, she couldnt get married.

Here are some main astrological factors causing delay in her marriage. In a horoscope ,the seventh lord or house of seventh is responsible for a natives marriage. (a) Native seventh lord is in the tenth house with exaltation but in deep combust. Note the degree of Sun and Mercury. (b) The seventh lord has association with two natural malefic Sun and Mars and, further, has notorious third aspect from Saturn and ninth from Rahu at her seventh house. The only saving factor in her horoscope is that Jupiter aspects the seventh lord and it is exalted. Therefore marriage might take place in future. Vimshottari Dasha Moon-Venus from Sept.18 to April 2010 and next Dasha is Moon-Sun from April 2010 to Oct. 2010. The Dasha lord Moon is aspected by lagana lord retrograde Jupiter from the sixth house and Antardasha lord Venus a natural marriage causing planet, is in association with Rahu a powerful bonding planet. In the Navamasha chart (D-9) the lagna is Taurus. Both the Dasha and Antardasha lord are aspected by Jupiter. Chara Dasha Virgo-Aries from July 2009 to Sept.2010. In Jaimini chara dasha system, Darakarak is Venus. Dasha of Virgo and in the Pratyantar Dasha Rashi Aries, there is Darakarak in the seventh house. Last, the famous double transit of Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter in Aquarius aspects both the seventh lord and seventh house from Nov.2009 and that time Saturn already situated in Virgo, where the native seventh lord is situated. This is hundred percent fulfillment of double transit rule. From analysis of the Dasha and double transit, the possibility is that the marriage may take place in the month of March or April 2010.

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