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Benjamin Herring 1st Block Multimedia and Webpage Design

Definitions Typography is the art and technique of arranging type in order to make language visible. The arrangement of type involves the selection of typefaces, point size, line length, and leading, adjusting the spaces between groups of letters and adjusting the space between pairs of letters. A typeface is the visual representation or interpretation of a set of characters; it is their appearance. Each typeface is designed, and there are thousands of different typefaces in existence, with new ones being developed constantly. A font is traditionally defined as a quantity of sorts composing a complete character set of a single size and style of a particular typeface. Font Style: One of many different fonts. Font family: The typeface that will be applied by a web browser to some text. The font is relevant for the display of text on the screen, on a printer or another device. Serifs: Semi-structural details on the ends of some of the strokes that make up letters and symbols. Times New Roman, Algerian, Century school, Times San Serif: A font that does not have the small projecting features called "serifs" at the end of strokes. The term comes from the French word sans, meaning "without". Arial, Arial Black, Cambria, Calibri. Decorative/Ornamental font: Letters that are compressed very tightly, or that have particularly curvy, distorted or "busy" serifs or other elements. Poplar Std, Chiller, Ravie, Mesquite Std.

Benjamin Herring 1st Block Multimedia and Webpage Design

Script: Script lettering is another word for a "cursive" or handwriting font. Lucida Handwriting, Mistral, MAGNETO, RAGE ITALIC.

Monospaced- when all characters take up the same amount of space. Proportional- when different characters take up different amounts of space. Leading- Space between lines. Kerning- spacing between characters. Tracking- Horizontal spacing between all characters in a large block of text. Benjamin S. Herring Benjamin S. Herring

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