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Good evening, I would like talk about my professional background , where I got to 16 years.

Currently I work in the company CRD engenharia, in the position of electrical engineer at approximately 8 months. In the position of an electrical engineer I am responsible for developing and coordinating projects for big companies such as: GM, VW, Pirelli, Firestone, among others.

I believe that professionally, I have some remarkable features such as persistence, patience and curiosity, I think can contribute to growth in many companies.

I started my professional background as an electrician in the company Mahle Cofap after this also worked at Johnson Controls as electronic technician for almost four years working in the area of building automation and my last job was as a supervisor in the company Engear , coordinating teams of electrical and air conditioning.

My degree is as and electric engineer, but also have formation of and technical electronic and maintenance electrician.

Next Year I intend to finish my english course on wise up and make a specialization in electrical projects

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