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The biodiesel is an ecological fuel that takes the normal diesels place. The diesel is made out of petroleum, and this is a non-renewable source. As organic substance, petroleum was made from the biomass, plants, and animals in the past million years. The specialist says that the actual sources of petroleum are going to be enough just for 50-100 years. The burning of fossil fuels determinates in the same time the atmospheres pollution with chemical wasted thus resulting the global warming. Several years ago, in Hong Kong, the biodiesel is created for the first time, from vegetable oils and added methanol or ethanol, NaOH or KOH. An advantage is that you can make biodiesel from kitchen oils, like the fast food oils, but it has to be filtered first and the process is called titration. Besides biodiesels advantages, there are also some questions. The main issue connected to fuels isnt about the economical efficiency or about the practical utility, but its about the energetic strength. Therefore with the burning of biodiesel you get more energy than the energy you used for making it? The biodiesel is made from vegetable oils thus the plants need to be cultivated and this involves using a very big quantity of petroleum, for the growing processes plus the transport done by big vehicles that consumes fuel. Beside this, there is the problem of chemical substances that help plants grow faster and better, obtained from the natural gases, and insecticides, obtained from petroleum. In conclusion we cant have biodiesel without petroleum. From scientific studies we know that for 1 barrel of petroleum invested we obtain 1,5 barrel of biodiesel. In Romania, the Ministry of Economy said that from the second half of 2007, the normal diesel would have to contain 2 % bio-fuel. The quantity of bio-carburetors from diesel will grow up to 3 % (1st January 2008) and on 1st July 2008 up to 4 %. This fuel reduces the CO2 emission in the atmosphere with 80% and the emission of SO2 with 100%. Thus vehicles can use the biodiesel without any motor changing. Comparing it with the usual diesel the price is reduced and the toxic waste are fewer, it doesnt contain sulfur, allows the using of catalytic substances and it doesnt affect the consumption of fuel or the motors titration. Its a little less inflammable thus resulting an advantage to the storage and transport, the burning point of biodiesel is 150 degrees and the diesels burning point is 70.

2. Algae:
They have different utilities, being used in the pharmaceutical, alimentary and chemical industry. There are two important groups: Prokaryotes: from which we have Cyan-bacteria or blue-green algae. They are old species similar to bacteria. They have an elementary cellular structure, but without a proper nucleus. Thus species might be filamentous, unicellular, isolated in colonies as simple filaments (Nostoc) or helicon (Spirulina). Eukaryotes: perfect cellular organization, with a nucleus. They contain chlorophyll type A associated or not with type C. There are more than 15.000 of species divided in 6 groups: Pyrrhophtes, Chrysophyte, Bacyllariophyte, Pheophyte, Holophote, Xanthophyte. Another

group of algae are the ones that contain chlorophyll type A and B. Through these we can find up to 8.000 of species of green algae that divide into 2 groups: Euglenophyts - unicellular flagellated algae, of which cells are grouped without any differences and Clorophytes: green algae very varied and usually big sized, present in the salted and fresh waters. There are about 250 species. The chlorophyll is a green pigment essential in the process of photosynthesis. With it, the sun energy can be transformed into energy. Micro-algae present a more efficient option for converting solar energy into chemical energy for fuel, because of their simple cell structure and high photosynthetic efficiency compared to most other plants. They grow immersed in water, making the supply of hydrogen plentiful.

3. Objectives:
1. Comparing the different material in the biodiesel technology. 2. Identifying a method for obtaining biodiesel from algae. 3. Showing this method to the diesel companies. 4. Showing the advantages of replacement the diesel with the biodiesel.

4. Needed material:
- Laboratory equipment: Berzelius glasses, watch glass, filter paper, funnel, dropper, test tubes, tweezers, scales; - The distillation and heating reflux installations; - NaOH (97%), hexane, ethylic alcohol (100%). Work method: The biodiesel is made out of vegetable oils. The oils are vegetable fat, liquid, insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvents, they emulsion with water. Due to their viscous structure you have to esterase it with ethanol or methanol, a process that brings the structure at the same viscosity like diesels. We obtained biodiesel from 2 types of oil: 1. Sun flower biodiesel 2. Algae biodiesel The proportions are about 90% oil and 10 % methanol or ethanol, and the NaOH around a few grams for 1 L of mixture. At first we tried to obtain biodiesel from sunflower oils for learning the obtaining process. One of the biodiesels properties is that it has no color - the less colored and more viscous it is the better it is as a fuel. We tested the biodiesels flammability: we put few drops in a watch glass and we burned it. We observed that it burns with a blue flame and when it ends there are no wasted on the walls of the watch glass thus resulting that our biodiesel can be used as a fuel. The algae biodiesel was harder to obtain because at first we had to obtain the oil out of the algae. After we collected the green algae we extracted the chlorophyll. We kept the algae for 12 days in ethylic alcohol. When the algae loose their color we filter the mixture. We put over the white algae hexane, and we used the heating reflux installation for almost 9 hours (the glass balloon is into a bath of water, the substance from the glass balloon is boiling, it is vaporizing through the refrigerant where it is condensing and the drops get back into the balloon). After this process we distillated the mixture (hexane + algal oil) to separate the two substances. The hexane obtained we can reuse and we distillated the chlorophyll extract so we can reuse the ethanol too.

We left from 15 g of algae and we obtained almost 15 ml of oil. We applied the proportions mentioned above and we obtained the biodiesel from algae. For obtaining biodiesel we tried to obtain fuel by using phytoplankton. We collected samples from Black Sea and Tabacarie (Tannery) Lake and we started the developing stimulation of the water. We tried to develop an environment in which the phytoplankton can grow, providing the water with nutrients, resulted from human activities. The nutrients are nitrates, phosphates, and they are essential for the life or organisms that use photosynthesis. The nutrients include SiO2 essential for the algae with siliceous structure and also microelements like Fe and Mg. For the reproduction of the eutrophication conditions we did the next experiment: in two recipients we put 3 L of seawater. The first recipient was considered a witness and in the second recipient we added 150 g soil, prepared like this: heated for 10 min in 330 ml of water without boiling it, and then filtered. We added some fertilizers too (NPK). We used an oxygen generator with 2 ramifications for the daily mixing. We repeated the process using the lake water. Each experiment lasted two weeks and at the end of the experiments we gathered the algae from the recipients. We discovered, that in the recipients, two species of plankton had developed: Cypris and Cyclops. Cypris: a little crustacean with the body protected by a bivalve shelf. The body with few segments is made out of cephalothoraxes and abdomen curbed to the ventral part with the posterior extremity bifurcated. They have 7 pairs of appendices. Their antennas are developed and hairy, being used to crawling and swimming. In the back of the antennas you can see two eyes. In our waters the Cypris specie is found between 1-3 mm. Cyclops: is represented by small crustaceans 2,5 mm. it has 2 sacks for their eggs, and they dont live in salt waters. Its called Cyclops because it has only one eye. Both species of plankton are pollution indicators; they are the proof of the eutrophication and demonstrate that the algae can develop into an artificial medium.

5. Conclusions:
Making biodiesel out of algae is considered the most efficient method of producing the fuels from vegetable material. The advantage is that the surface of cultivating land is very reduced. Studies have proofed that algae can produce with 30% more biodiesel than the normal plants used in present. The biodisel from algae isnt toxic, it doesnt contain sulphur and its entirely biodegradable. Some species of algae have more than 50 % oil. In the conditions of the Black Sea and in the other lakes of Dobrogea (Dobrudja), we consider that there are enough algae to assure the technologic efficiency for creating biodiesel and to solve the eutrophication issues of our area. Gallons of Oil per Acre per Year Corn 18 Soybeans 48 Safflower 83 Sunflower 102 Rapeseed 127 Oil Palm 635 Micro Algae 5000-15000

Since micro-algae can grow considerably more quickly than conventional crops, and some can have very high oil content, algae has the potential to yield far more oil per acre than conventional crops. Microalgae posses several attractive characteristics: 1. Costs associated with the harvesting and transportation or micro algae are relatively low, in comparison with those of other biomass materials such as trees, crops, etc. 2. By virtue of their relatively small sizes, micro algae can be easily chemically treated. 3. Algae can be grown under conditions, which are unsuitable for conventional crop production. 4. Micro algae are capable of fixing CO2 in the atmosphere, thus facilitating the reduction of increasing atmospheric CO2 levels, which are now considered a global problem. Micro algal oils are produced through either biological conversion to lipids or hydrocarbons or thermo chemical liquefaction of algal cells. year 2004 2005 2006 m3 of algae collected from the Black Sea shore 8899 15558 23000 This table shows the eutrophications effects

6. Bibliography:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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