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Why Whites Wont Apologize for Apartheid

A RESPONSE This is a lame attempt at 'passing the buck. You refer to black South Africans/Africans as 'illiterate' - was it not 'you' that introduced The Bantu Education Act?! A case of perpetrator blaming the victim. 'You' speak of ignorance yet it is you who appears to the the ignorant one; and by this I mean, firstly, you refer to this being our land whilst simultaneously stating when we settled here... settled being the operative word meaning 'those who have settled in a place that is not their original birthplace) and thus a contradiction in terms and secondly, you seek to humiliate and insult a culture and people whom you know nothing about hence you shall always remain narrow-minded; it is only a fool who passes up the opportunity to learn. That said, the only thing you do manage to get across is that this is a clear case of it being easier to condemn others than to look inward & take an objective look at oneself or one's own mistakes as doing so would take courage... need I say more... Insofar as the statistics you refer to, go, the departments which make up the criminal justice system were largely closed to public scrutiny prior to 1994 and bodies such as the Independent Claims Directorate (ICD) did not exist then making it impossible to quote same accurately.Furthermore, it goes without saying that victims of crime are less likely to report same in a country with an oppressive government/justice system/police force (as was the case prior to 1994) this would account for the lower number of reported crimes during that period alongwith the fact that the majority of this countrys people did not have access to transport and, amongst others, were not allowed out after 8pm without a pass, making it impossible for them to report crimes such as rape, assault, etc. On the same token the increase in reported crimes (which youve taken to mean the increase in the crime rate) after 1994 is due in part to the progressive enfranchisement of the majority of the population giving them access to commodities/resources such as transport, telephones, etc which, naturally boost crime reporting. Let me end off by leaving you with this thought: "Whosoever wants to be a leader and a guide should educate himself before educating others; before teaching morality to others, he should improve his own morals and character" [youtube=]

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