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Cronogram Unit 1

LESSON 1 Function 1.1 Text: Ss will learn the use of Greetings and Farewells ex. Hello!, Good Bye LESSON 4 Function 1. 1 Text: Ss will learn to spell the alphabet

LESSON 2 Function 1.1 Text: Ss will be able to identify cognates

LESSON 3 Function 1. 1 Text: Ss will learn Personal pronouns I, You, He, etc. LESSON 6 Function 1. 1 Text: Ss will acquire vocabulary of professions and places LESSON 9 Function 1. 1 Text: Use of verb "To be" in present tense, negative form LESSON 12 Function 1.1 Text: Use of 'WH' questions LESSON 15 Function 1.2 Text: Ss start asking and giving personal details about themselves and others, ex. I'm Daniel, He/This is Tony/ His name is Hector

LESSON 5 Function 1. 1 Text: Ss will learn the use of numbers from 1 to 100

LESSON 7 Function 1. 1 Text: Ss will learn vocabulary of countries and nationalities

LESSON 8 Function 1. 1 Text: Use of verb "To be" in present tense, affirmative form LESSON 11 Function 1. 1 Text: Use of 'WH' questions LESSON 14 Function 1.2 Text: Ss will recognize the difference between personal pronouns and possessive adjectives

LESSON 10 Function 1. 1 Text: Ss will learn the use of demonstrative pronouns: This and That LESSON 13 Function 1.2 Tex:t Using vocabulary of professions, places, numbers and alphabet, Ss will be able to describe themselves and others EVALUATION FOCUS: Per assessment on the clarity of new vocabulary

LESSON 16 Function 1.2 Text: Ss will be able to use demonstrative pronouns: This and That

LESSON 17 Function 1.2 Text: Ss will be able to use Articles: a -an -/the

LESSON 18 Integration: A guide for Ss on how to make teams, clarify questions about projects LESSON 21 Evaluation Focus: General Review

LESSON 19 Integration Project: Ss will be able to use all the vocabulary in order to make a descriptions about themselves and others LESSON 22 Formal Evaluation of unit 1: exam

LESSON 20 Integration: A guide for Ss on how to make teams, clarify questions about projects LESSON 23 Feedback on exams

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