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Corruption is the action that really damaged the citizens especially in Indonesia. Corruptors take the privilege of citizens. And they take this for their necessities of desire. All of that money are should use for the citizens prosperity, such as scholarship, construction (bridge, highway, etc), but its taken by corruptors and be used for their privates importance. The reasons to do the corruption are various. The factors that causes corruption can be from inside or outside. From inside can be a desire, eagerness, will, and from outside, encouragement of friends, a chance, and less control. But, generally the causes of corruption are the weakness of teaching, a lack of education, poverty, law does not clear, the heritage in generation to generation. But, behind all of those, of course the corruptors will get a punishment suitable with the constitutions. Like fine and imprisonment!

CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 Background As we know that so many conflict in society, one of the example is brawl that occurred in students. Of course that brawl give a victim inwardly and physically. The brawl is not only give a bad impact to the perpetrators but also the people around them included in brawl. They who didnt know, for the example children,can influenced of the action that of course damage them. In this thing required a control from a various parties cause the children are not influenced. Actually the brawl can give a death for the perpetrators and they who didnt wrong. They also have their each reason to do that action. Although that action (the brawl) is false truly in the eyes of all people.


Formulation Of The Problem Based on the elaboration of the background, formulation of the problem is obtained as the following : 1. What causes of brawl in circle of students? 2. How can prevent the brawl in circle of students?


Research Purposes Scientific work was made with aims as the following : 1. To know the causes of brawl in circle of students 2. To know the prevention of brawl in circle of students 3. To know the impacts of brawl


Research Benefit This scientific work has benefits as the following: 1.4.1 It can add insight to the reader.

1.4.2. It can be a references for readers

1.4.3. To help authors and readers to not do corruption in real life

CHAPTER 2 Theoritical Basis

According to Ridwan (2006) the brawl among student has a definition : Fight that involving many people had done by a group of students to other students group from a different school.

According to Solikhah (1999) the brawl is a fight that involving many people that is behaviors hardness among a groups students of boy that aimed at others group of students from other school. Brawl in Indonesians dictionary can be meant as fight that overflow many people. Whereas student is a human studying. So, if we pull a big scratch that fight among many people whom the dutys character is a human are studying.

CHAPTER 3 Results and Discussion

There are two factors causes of brawl among students, that is internals factor and externals. Internals factor is factor that goes through a process of internalization of the false self by adolescents in response of environment around and all outside influences. Behavior is a reaction to the inability to adapt to the environment. The external factor is: 1. Familys factor a. Good - bad or broken or not having broken a household. b. Protection that is granted from our parents c. Parental rejection, there are couples who never could bear the responsibility as fathers and mothers. d. bad influence from parents, criminal behavior and immoral acts. 2. School environmental factors Unfavorable school environment can be a building of school that doesnt meet the requirements, such as : schools without ample

playground, without sport room, minimum of classroom facilities, the number of students in classrooms that are too numerous and dense, poor ventilation and sanitation, etc. . 3. Environmental factors The surroundings are not always good and profitable for education and youth development.

There are some efforts to handle brawls : 1. In looking for adolescence that is a period where they have symptoms of emotional and mental stress, so they are easy to deviate. Then

the student's own needs to fill his spare time with activities that are more useful, like attend courses, exercising, following extracurricular activities, etc. 2. Family environment can also prevent brawl, by : 5


take care of children well - Full of loving - Planting a good discipline - Teach to distinguish a good and bad - Develop independence, responsible freedom - Develop self-esteem of children, appreciate if doing good or reach a certain achievements.

b. Create a warm and friendly atmosphere: This makes the child is longing to go home. c. Taking time for togetherness Parents are a good example by not showing aggressive behavior, such as: hitting,insulting and mocking. d. Strengthen the religious life Being prioritized is not only a religious ritual, but strengthen the moral values which contained in religion and apply it everyday in life. e. Do a restrictions in watching the film that contained scenes of violence and sorting video games that suitable with his age. f. Parents create a democratic atmosphere in the family, so that the child has good social skills. Because of the failure of adolescents in mastering social skills will cause she or he to be difficult to adapted themselves with their surroundings. So that arise unpretentious, isolated from fellowship, tend to behave normatively (eg, asocial oranti- social). Even its become more extreme usually can causes disturbance of soul, juvenile delinquency, crime, violence, etc.. 3. Schools also have a role to handle brawls, such as: a. Holding a good education curriculum which can develop three potentials equally. That is thinking, having aesthetics and belief in God. b. The foundation of a new school needs required to have a room for sporting activities, because that place is needed to distributing an adolescent aggressiveness.

c. Schools whose


students are

involved brawl need



communication and coordination that integrated to develop a pattern of response and handling of the case. It's good to have a match or art events together among the schools that are by held game or shared among the schools that are traditionally hostile. 4. Citizens self-help institution and Police Officials This institution here can do the investigating activities at schools about the impact and the effort that needs to be done in order to overcome the brawl. The police officer also has a share in overcome the brawl by placing officers in vulnerable areas and do the bust to students who bring a sharp weapon.

CHAPTER 4 Closing
1. Conclusion The brawls that happen in circle of students, it happened because of various factors and of course they have their each reason to do it. But, of course that brawls is the one of the action of social anomaly that later give a bad impact to that people in spiritual or physique. Because of that we need a prevention cause the students dont do the brawls anymore. The duty of students is study and didnt need or do the criminal thing like that!

2. Suggestion 1.1 There is should have a control to students cause the brawl in the circle of students doesnt happen or less. 1.2 Make a relation to all students well 1.3 Have a good communication to other students, at their school or other school dekatan%20Teoritis_%20I10ato.pdf

(2011). Penyebab terjadinya tawuran antar sekolah. Retrieved from, accesses on January, 9th 2012, 09:45 pm

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