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A layout essentially refers to the arranging & grouping of machines which are meant to produce goods. The methods of grouping or types of layout are: 1. Process layout, functional layout or job shop layout. 2. Product layout, line processing layout or flow line layout. 3. Fixed position layout or static layout. 4. Cellular manufacturing layout or hybrid layout. 5. Combination layout or Hybrid layout.

It involves grouping together like machines in one department based upon their operational characteristics. E.g.. Machines performing drilling operations are installed in the drilling dept, machines performing casting operations are grouped in casting dept, and so on.. Machines in each dept attend to any product that is taken to them. These machines are therefore called as General purpose machines.

Work has to e allotted in each department in such a way that no machines in any dept should be ideal. In a batch production layout machines are chosen to do as many different as jobs possible. While grouping the machines according to the process type, certain principals have to be fallowed: > the distance b/w depts must be shorter so as to avoid long distance movement of materials. > The departments should be locted in accordance with the serious of operations. > Convenience for inspection. > Convenience for supervision.



Labarotary test

Rest room

Patient waiting hall


Reception room

Plastic & Reconstructive surgery

pediatrics pediatrics pharmacy Patient entrance clinic

Patient exit clinic

Reduced investments on machines as they are general purpose machines. Greater flexibility in the production. Better & more efficient supervision is possible through specialization. There are greater scope for expansion as the capacities of different lines can be easily increased. This type of layout results in better utilization of men & machines.

It is easier to handle breakdown of equipment by transferring work to another machines. There is full utilization of equipment. The investment on equipment would be comparatively lower. There is greater incentive to te individual worker to increase his performance.
DISADVANTAGES: There is difficulty in the in movement of materials. This type of layout requires more floor space. There is difficulty in production control.

Production time is more as WIP has to travel from place to place in search of machines. There is accumulation of WIP at differt places.

It involves the arrangements of machines in one line, depending upon sequence of operations. In product layout, if there is a more than one line of production, there are as many lines of machines. The emphasis here, therfore,is on special purpose machines in contrast to the general purpose machines which are installed in the process layout. The investment on straight line layout is higher than in the functional layout. The product layout is followed in plants manufacturing standardized products on a mass scale such as chemical, paper, sugar, rubber, refineries & cement industries.







The grouping of m/cs should be done by keeping in mind the fallowing principals:
All the m/c tools or other items of equipment must be placed at a point demanded by the sequence of operations. There should be no points where one line crosses another line. Materials may be fed where they are required for assembly, but not necessarily all at one point. All the operations should be included in the line.

ADVANTAGES There is mechanization of materials handling a & consequently reduction in materials handling cost. This type of layout avoids production bottlenecks. There is economy in manufacturing time. The layout facilitates better production control. It requires less floor area per unit of production. WIP is reduced & investment thereon, minimized. Early detection of mistakes. There is greater incentives to a group of workers to raise their level of performance.

Product layout is known for its inflexibility. This type of layout is also expensive. There is difficulty of supervision. Expansion is also difficult. Any breakdown of equipment along the production line can be disturpt the whole system.

Fixed position layout involves the movement of men & machines to the product which remains stationary. In this type of layout, the materials or major components remains in a fixed ocation, & tools, machinery & men as well as other pieces of material are brought to this location. The movement of men & machines is advisable as the cost of moving them would be lesser. This is fallowed in manufacturing of bulky & heavy products, such as, construction of buildings, locomotives, ships, boilers, aircraft & generators.


Raw materials

m/cs & equipments


Finished product (air craft)



Men & machines can be used for a wide varity of operations producing different types of products. The investment on lyout is very small The worker identifies himself with the products & takes pride in it when the work is complete. The high cost of & difficulty in transporting a bulky product is avoided.

CELLULR MANUFACTURING (CM) LAYOUT In CM, machines are grouped in to a cells & cells function somewhat like product layout within a larger shop or process layout.

Each cell in the CM layout is formed to produce a single part family- a few partsm all with a common charectrestics, which usually means that they require the same machines & have similar machine settings.

Lower WIP inventories. Reduced materials handling cost. Shorter flow times in production. Simplified production planning ( mtrls & labour). Increased operators responsibilities. Improved visual control & fewer tooling changes, therefore facilitating quicker set ups. Overall performance often increases by lowering production costs & improving on time delivery. Quality also tends to improve.

Reduced manufacturing flexibility & potentially increased machine- down time ( since machines are contained to cells & may not be used all the time) & finally dublicate pieces of equipment may be needed so that parts need not be transported b/w cells.

A combination of process & product layout is known as combined layout. It is possible to have both types of layout in an efficiently combined form if the products manufactured are some what similar & not complex. E.g.. In soap mfg plant, the machinery mfg soap is arranged on the product line principle; but ancillary services, such as heating, the mfg of glycerin, the power house, the water treatment plant are arranged on a functional basis.

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