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NURS 2516 Clinical Medications Worksheets

(You will need to make additional copies of these forms)

Generic Name Trade Name Classification Dose Route Time/frequency

enoxaparin Lovenox Anticoagulants, 40 mg Sub Q Q day
Peak Onset Duration For IV meds, compatibility with IV drips and /or solutions
unknown unknown 12 hours

Mechanism of action and indications Nursing Implications (what to focus on)

(Why med ordered) Prevention of DVT and pulmonary Contraindications/warnings/interactions Hypersensitivity,
embolism after hip surgery uncontrolled bleeding

Common side effects

Dizziness, headache, insomnia, constipation, N/V, urinary
retention, bleeding, anemia, thrombocytopenia

Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal Lab value alterations caused by medicine
medicines (ask patient specifically) Reversible increase in liver enzymes, monitor CBC, platelet
count and , monitor closely if thrombocytopenia occurs, if
Increased risk of bleeding with concurrent use of decrease in hematocrit occurs, assess for hemorrhage
Be sure to teach the patient the following about this
medication Advise pt to report unusual bleeding or bruising,

Nursing Process- Assessment Assessment Evaluation

(Pre-administration assessment) Why would you hold or not give this Check after giving
Assess for s/s bleeding and hemorrhage, med? Hypersensitivity, unusual Observe injection sites for
bleeding from surgical site, assess for s/s bleeding or hemorrhage hematomas, inflammation,
thrombosis assess for s/s bleeding or

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