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Chincheros Chincheros is a very famous because this is the city that the Spains cant dominate fully, so this

city conserves its traditions of their Inca ancestors for example: the barter or the sale. The barter is where the people from another city comes and bring some products to change or to sale. The people in Chincheros do the barter in the Artisan Agricultural Fair on august 27th to 29th. Chincheros is located in Urubamba 30 kilometers of the northwest of Cusco. The people in Chincheros dress like the Incas dress before. Now the people in Chincheros are about 15,000. The most interesting places in Chincheros are: -the church, although the people have their traditions they practice the catholic religion, its located at the center of the city. -the murals, that Mateo Pumacahua ordered to paint for represent the fight of him and Tupac Amaru, where Pumacahua won and killed Amaru . -the house of Mateo Pumacahua So Chincheros is an interesting city to visit, not visit this is loose an opportunity to know more about the Incas and their customs

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