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A pictorial diagram is a realistic picture of an electrical circuit, showing the physical appearance of its elements. It has used this type of diagrams to simplify learning, since no special knowledge required to understand them. Technicians never use these diagrams in their work. Below is a list of reasons for not using this kind of diagrams: It is difficult to trace muscle electrical circuit diagrams in this pictorial. (Trace a circuit means go with the flow of electrons through the circuit.) The mechanical parts are not of primary concern and if difficult to read. The pictorial diagrams show circuit this complicated maze of wires and parts interwoven that an expert can not read. It costs a lot of work to do a pictorial diagram of an electrical circuit.


Isomtrico es un mtodo grfico de representacin, ms especficamente una axonometra cilndrica ortogonal. Constituye una representacin visual de un objeto tridimensional en dos dimensiones, en la que los tres ejes ortogonales principales, al proyectarse, forman ngulos de 120, y las dimensiones paralelas a dichos ejes se miden en una misma escala. El trmino isomtrico proviene del idioma griego: "igual medida", ya que la escala de medicin es la misma en los tres ejes principales (x, y, z). La isometra es una de las formas de proyeccin utilizadas en dibujo tcnico que tiene la ventaja de permitir la representacin a escala, y la desventaja de no reflejar la disminucin aparente de tamao -proporcional a la distancia- que percibe el ojo humano.

Flow Diagram
Flow diagrams are a series of sequential steps representing a traditional manner the details algorithmic processes. They are mainly used in programming, economics and industrial processes such diagrams symbolic nomenclature with special meanings. In the graphical representations of processes with symbols, these are interconnected together to give a logical sense to the flow chart which gives rise to the development of an information system. Can be difficult to understand a process with a verbal description, so the data flow diagram helps to illustrate the components of a process and how they interact. Similarly one can show the flow chart as a structured analysis of the data processing system through a pictorial description.

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