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OPENING 1. Rapid and solid. 2. Control of center. 3. Take the initiative. MIDDLE GAME 1. Coordinate pieces. 2.

Get freedom while hampering your opponents. (i.e. Pawns on same color as Bishop = hamper) PAWN STRUCTURE 1. Backward pawns 2. Controlled squares 3. Holes ENDING 1. 2. Tips: Avoid placing pieces awkwardly. Look at the whole board each turn. A simple method is to count.

King to the center (when Queens have been exchanged, and only one or two pieces are left). Advance pawns quickly.

What is the status of each piece? (Is it defended, attacked, duties to perform, restricted movement, etc.) 1. 2. 3. How does it change the status of other pieces? Are there any duties that interfere with each other? Is it possible to add another duty to a piece? Can I attack the defender so it is no longer able to perform its task? From which squares can it do its duty? What happens if recapture after the piece it was defending is captured?

-------------------------What to remember when examining the pieces: king - All files, ranks, and diagonals into the kings position have to be examined carefully. After all this is what the game is about, controlling the flight squares of the king and attacking him. pawn - en-passant and promotion knight - double attack, can become long range with a tempo bishop - long range, remember to examine every square on it's diagonal. queen/rook - have retreating squares

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