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Working Aloft Procedure

When anyone is to work aloft the following guidelines must be followed: No one under the age of 16 is to work aloft. The person working aloft must be a member of sea staff. The climbing harness must be used. No one is to work aloft without the Skippers permission. If the Skipper is not available than the person left in charge of the vessel by the Skipper can give their permission. A person working aloft must use the mast steps and have a halyard attached to the climbing harness. If the person working aloft is not to use the steps then a 2nd halyard must also be attached to the harness. The person tailing the person working aloft must wear a hard hat. No one else should be below the person working aloft. In the case of someone working up the main mast this means an area from the windlass to the main companionway entrance. For the mizzen, no one should be in the cockpit and the main hatch should be shut. The person working aloft should attach the halyard to the climbing harness with preferably a double figure of 8 knot or a bowline. The shackle can be attached to the harness to keep it out of the way but should not be relied upon for weight bearing. The person working aloft should ensure all tools and equipment they are taking with them are secured in such a way that they cannot fall. The person in charge of the vessel should check the harness and knot and procedure before the person goes aloft. The person tailing the person aloft should stay on deck in a safe area whilst that person is aloft. This is to ensure the safety of the person aloft and those below. They should not be distracted by any other tasks. The radar should be switched off at the fuse panel whilst the person is aloft.

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