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Blood is a specialized bodily

fluid in human and animal that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells about 5 liters of blood.

The average person has


Plasma Cell
A liquid called plasma makes up about half of

the content of blood.

Plasma contains proteins that help blood to

clot, transport substances through the blood, and perform other functions.
Blood plasma also contains glucose and other

dissolved nutrients


Red blood
Red blood cells (RBCs)

or Erythrocytes: Red cells contain hemoglobin and it is the hemoglobin which permits them to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.


aside from being a transport molecule, is a PIGMENT. It gives the cells their red 4/25/12 color

White Blood Cell

White blood cells, or

leukocytes (leuko- meaning "white"), are cells of the immune system involved in defending the body against both infectious disease and foreign materials


Platelets, or

thrombocytes, are small, irregularly shaped clear cell fragments cells that do not have a nucleus containing DNA and help blood to clot.


Functions of blood
Gases, namely oxygen (O2) and carbon

dioxide (CO2), between the lungs and rest of the body sites to the rest of the body by the liver and kidneys

Nutrients from the digestive tract and storage Waste products to be detoxified or removed Hormones from the glands in which they are

produced to their target cells

Blood has several roles in inflammation: leukocytes, or white blood cells, destroy Antibodies and other proteins destroy

invading microorganisms and cancer cells pathogenic substances minimise blood loss

Platelet factors initiate blood clotting and help


Regulation Blood helps regulate:

pH by interacting with acids and bases Water balance by transferring water to and

from tissues


Tangkiyu for yu atension,.,.,


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