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Kriti Kriti, an initiative by Neighborhood Society was organized on 21st April12 in Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology.

Kriti is an annual cultural festival by the Neighborhood Society, NSIT. This year, the fest was attended by 15 NGOs and over 400 children from these NGOs. A meeting the various representatives of NGOs was organized. A Health Check Up Camp was also organized for the kids. A myriad of activities were organized for the children. The activities included Talent Round, Painting Competition, Sports Events, and Quiz Competition. Importance of Dreams was the theme for this years Kriti and also the theme for Painting Competition. Talent Round was divided into two categories: Seniors and juniors based on their age. The kids performed on popular songs, recited rhymes, narrated stories and performed skit. Sports Events were also divided into two categories: Seniors and juniors. In the Quiz competition, the kids put on their thinking hats and answered nearly every question asked from them. The activities for the day ended with the Prize Distribution ceremony, where the top performers in various competitions were honored with gifts and certificates. NGO Koshish was awarded the NGO of The Year award.

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