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Slang – Dialogue 2 – Before Class

A: Hey Ben, what’s up1?

B: Oh, hey Nick. Not much. I had a date last night with that hot2 girl Jennifer from my chemistry
class, but she turned out to be a total psycho3. Are you okay? You look like hell4.

A: I pulled an all-nighter5 to study for my math test, but I still blew it6 – I got a 67. I’m really

B: That sucks8, but try not to stress out9 about it too much. You know what might cheer you up10?
We should ditch class11 and go hang out12 at the mall.

A: Nah, I’m not as laid-back13 about school as you are. Besides, we would never get away with

B: I think you just don’t have the guts15 to go through with it16.

A: Whatever17, just drop it18.

B: Ok, chill out19. Class is starting.

1. What’s up? (ph) – hello, how are you

2. Hot (adj) – attractive, sexy
3. Psycho (n/adj) – a crazy person
4. Look like hell (ph) – to look very bad
5. Pull an all-nighter (ph) – to stay up all night without sleeping
6. Blow it (v) – to fail, to ruin an opportunity
7. Bummed (adj) – sad, depressed, disappointed
8. That sucks (ph) – (phrase expressing sympathy)
9. Stress out (v) – to worry, to be anxious, to feel a lot of pressure
10. Cheer somebody up (ph) – to make somebody feel better when they are sad
11. Ditch class (v) – not go to class when you are supposed to
12. Hang out (v) – to spend time with friends without doing anything specific
13. Laid-back (adj) – relaxed, not worrying about things
14. Get away with it (ph) – not be punished for doing something bad
15. Have the guts to do something (ph) – to have the courage to do something
16. Go through with it (ph) – to actually do something rather than just talking about it
17. Whatever (ph) – (phrase meaning that you don’t care or do not want to talk about
18. Drop it (v) – stop talking about something
19. Chill out (v) – relax, don’t get angry

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