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Jadwal kuliah : Jumat, 9.40-11.30


KODE SESI : 202021281056


Ainul Addinna, S.Pd. M.Pd





Clean Your Bed room

Part 1: Imperative sentence

An imperative sentence is used for giving instructions. An imperative sentence begins with
the verb-1 form  and usually ends with a period (.) or an exclamation point (!). However,
it can also end with a question mark(?) in some instances.
Positive Imperative
(Subject - never said) Verbs Objects
(You) Wash your hands.
(You) Listen to me.
(You) Clean the house.

Negative Imperative
(Subject) Do not Infinitives
(You) Don’t come late.
(You) Don’t play music.
(You) Don’t throw anything.

Advice Instructions Commands

Pack light! Open your book! Go away !
Be on time! Listen to me! Get out of my way!
Leave work behind! Underline the difficult words! Shut the door!
Take pleasure! Work with your partner! Look around!
Take a deep breath! Answer the questions! Help out!
Capture the moment! Close your laptop! Be good!

Negative Imperatives
Making Don’t talk! suggestions
A. Let’s (let + us) + main verb is used in
Don’t make a noise!
the 1st person plural only, especially
Don’t sit on the desk!
when you are trying to encourage someone
Don’t sleep in the classroom!
to do something with you. It includes
Don’t forget to write your name!
both the speaker and the hearer, so the subject that is understood is represented
by the plural we.

Let’s visit Malcolm this weekend.

 Please let’s go to the cinema tonight.
 Do let’s have a look at your new computer, Chris.
 Let’s pool our resources.
Suggestions which start with let’s often end with the sentence tag shall we?
 Let’s phone her now, shall we?
 Let’s go for a walk after supper, shall we?
In ordinary English the negative is let’s not + main verb or sometimes don’t let’s + main
 Let’s not worry about that now.
 Don’t let’s worry about that now.
In formal English, the negative is let us not + main verb.
 Let us not lose sight of our aims.

B. Why don’t we go to Italy?

 We could visit Rome or Venice.
C. What about asking your brother to join us?
D. How about going to the swimming pool tomorrow?
E. I suggest we go to the bowling alley

Exercise 1
Match the imperative (1-8) with the verb infinitive (a-h).
Number 1 has been done for you: Go upstairs

upstairs a. to close Close the door

your homework b. to show show your ID card
your teeth c. to brush Brush your teeth
your name d. to do Do your homework
the whiteboard e. to wash wash your clothes
your clothes f. to go go upstairs
your ID card g. to clean clean your whiteboard
the door h. to write Write your name

Exercise 2
Arrange the scrambled sentences into correct imperative sentences. Number 1 has been done for
1. time – on – come. Come on time!
2. it - by - do – yourself ( Do it by yourself)
3. watch – step – your ( watch your step
4. carefully – text – the – read (read the text carefully)
5. your – book – out – take (take out your book )
6. assignment – collect – the (collect the assignment)
7. at – the - look – board – white (Look at the whiteboard)
8. partner – dialog - practice – the – with – a (Practice the dialog with a partner)
9. correct – complete – with – sentence – the – word – the ( complete the sentence with the
correct word)
10. sister - pick – the – at - up – your – airport (pick up your sister at the airport)
Exercise 3
Use positive or negative imperatives to rewrite the following sentences.
Example: You can take my umbrella. - Take my umbrella.
You mustn't use your dictionary. - Don't use your dictionary.
1. You must have a shower first. -( Have a shower first)
2. You mustn't do such things. - (Don't do such things)
3. You can't go this way. – (Don't go this way)
4. No problem if you get a taxi.-( Get a taxi)
5. You can make dinner earlier today. - (Make dinner earlier today)
6. You mustn't think I'm stupid. (Don't think I'm stupid)
7. You must take Jim with you.-( Take Jim with you)
8. You'll be in trouble if you come late. (Don't come late)
9. It isn't a good idea to use phones in English lessons. (Don't use phones in English lessons)
10. It's all right if you give it to me tomorrow. (Give it to me tomorrow)

Exercise 4 Choose the Correct Answer

1. Hi David. We are going to the mountains Why ………. come with us?
a)doesn’t you b)don’t you c) do you
2. It’s a beautiful day. …….. go to the beach
a)Let’s b)Why do c)Who let’s
3. It’s getting late. I suggest we ,,,,, a taxi.
a) taking b)take c)to take
4. Our mother wants a new bag. What about …….. father for help?
a)to ask b)asking c)ask
5. I’m bored. How about ………to the football match this afternoon?
a) to go b)going c) go
6. If you haven’t got a job. Why………. study some any foreign languages
a) doesn’t you b)are you c)don’t you

1.- Hi David. We are going to the mountains Why ………. come with us?

a)doesn’t you b)don’t you c) do you

2.-It’s a beautiful day. …….. go to the beach

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