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We need a Powerful Church

To establish a powerful church, the disciples first had to learn to:

Follow Jesus Instructions

(Acts 1:4)


a) Stay in Jerusalem (love ones), despite the danger, threats and sacrifice. b) Wait for the promise in the midst of despair and uncertainty

To establish a powerful church, the disciples had to learn in second place to:
Desire the power of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses (Acts 1:8)
a) The fullness of the Holy Spirit is manifested in us when we requested to be witnesses.
b) Want to witness is a basic condition to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, because God does not give it for other purposes.

c) When we have a big project to win souls and ask for the power of the Holy Spirit because we can not alone, God is caused to manifest His power in abundance.

To establish a powerful church, the disciples had to learn in third place to: Persevere unanimously in prayer
(Acts 1:14)
a) Pray all at once b) Pray all in the same place. c) Pray all of us with same purposes (All asking for the Holy Spirit to be witnesses)

Men and women who prays are men and women of power
The churches who live united in prayer are POWERFUL CHURCHES

To establish a powerful church, the disciples had to learn in fourth place to:
(Acts 2:1)

Being together in one place, understanding that this means:

a) May we all seek to resolve our differences and problems b) Being all in the same place struggling to have good relationship
c) Make all the same effort to work together for God.

If we like the disciples of Christ, overcome resentment, pride, criticism and struggle. WE WILL RECEIVE THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

Resume: in order to establish a powerful church we need

Follow Jesus instructions. Desire, seek and wait for the Holy Spirit to be witnesses.

Persevere in prayer unanimous.

Been unanimous, together.

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