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IDA Grant Budget

Detailed Grant Project Budget

Please complete the following information completely. You MUST research and get quotes/prices for any costs you plan to incur in developing the project. Please factor sales tax into your unit prices. If you have any questions when completing the budget send us an email at Include this completed budget form in your online IDA Grant application.
Your Name: Your Email: Your Phone: Project Title:

Part I: Creating the Project

Line Item Item (w/ Description)

(if you need more items, just copy and paste rows onto the end of the section)

Please list ALL the expenses related to the creation of your grant project. Quantity (if N/A, use "1") Unit Price (including tax) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Price -

Part I Total:

Part II: Showcasing the Project

All projects must be showcased, performed, or exhibited. Please include expenses for framing, production costs, publicity (up to $50 only), etc. for your project to be showcased. Your expenses will most likely be approximated, but ask around for realistic ballpark estimates.

Line Item
(leave blank)

Item (w/ Description)

Quantity (if N/A, use "1")

Unit Price (including tax) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Total Price -

Part II Total:

Total Grant Request:

Part III: Supplemental Funding

If you are pursuing or have in-hand supplemental funding for your project, please list all sources and amounts below.

Line Item
(leave blank)

Funding Source


Part III Total:

Total Supplemental Funding: $

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