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Objectives - Explain the aim of a spreadsheet - Carry out some simple calculations with Excel Contents - A spreadsheet is program to automate calculations. Excel is the Microsoft spread sheet. - A file in Excel is called a workbook. Each workbook is comprised of worksheets. - A worksheet is comprised of rows, columns and cells. - A column is vertical line on the spreadsheet. Columns are defined by letters. - A row is a horizontal line on the spreadsheet. Rows are defined by numbers. - A cell is represented as a box on the worksheet. Cells are defined by the column and row at which intersect. - Formulas are equations that perform calculations on values in a spreadsheet. Activities - Work with multiple worksheets: Insert a new worksheet Delete a new worksheet Rename worksheet - Enter text in a cell. - Enter a formula in a cell in order to calculate the average value of three marks. Assessment - Asses these activities.

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