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Shakespeare hamlet

Nay 1. No: All but four Democrats voted nay. 2. And moreover: He was ill-favored, nay, hideous. [Middle English, from Old Norse nei : ne, not; see ne in Indo-European roots + ei, ever; see aiw- in Indo-European roots.]

hath [h] vb Archaic or dialect (used with the pronouns he, she, or it or a singular noun) a form of the present tense (indicative mood) of have

(p-rshn)n. 1. A ghostly figure; a specter. 2. A sudden or unusual sight: "[The designer's] indooroutdoor reversals and juxtapositions call forth a Magritte apparition beneath a Miami moon" (Herbert Muschamp). 3. The act of appearing; appearance. [Middle English apparicioun, from Old French apparition, from Late Latin appriti, appritin-, an appearance, from Latin appritus, past participle of apprre, to appear; see appear.]

tush 1 (tsh)interj. Used to express mild reproof, disapproval, or admonition. tush 2 (tsh)n. 1. A canine tooth, especially of a horse. 2. Chiefly Southern U.S. See tusk. [Middle English tusche, from Old English tsc; see tusk.] tush 3 (tsh)n. Slang The buttocks.

assail (-sl)tr.v. assailed, assailing, assails 1. To attack with or as if with violent blows; assault. 2. To attack verbally, as with ridicule or censure. See Synonyms at attack. 3. To trouble; beset: was assailed by doubts. [Middle English assailen, from Old French asalir, asaill-, from Vulgar Latin *assalre, variant of Latin assilre, to jump on : ad-, onto; see ad- + salre, to jump; see sel- in Indo-European roots.]

thee pron. The objective case of thou1 1. a. Used as the direct object of a verb. b. Used as the indirect object of a verb. 2. Used as the object of a preposition. 3. Used in the nominative as well as the objective case, especially by members of the Society of Friends. 4. the objective form of thou1 5. (subjective) Rare refers to the person addressed: used mainly by members of the Society of Friends [Old English th; see THOU1]


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