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ENGLISH TASK: GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION GROUP 1: Arif Rachmatullah; Aghnia Rahmawati; Nurfitriani BIOLOGY A CLASS

Pyramid of Young, Old and Stationary Population

2 Source:

Population pyramid is a bar chart the composition of the population by gender and the age that had been arranged horizontally. Based on the its shape, the different between one pyramid and other are: 1. Population pyramid that has cone shape. This shape illustrates the rapid population growth due to a decline in the birth rate babies and children, but fertility rates are still low. 2. Population pyramid that has grenade form. This form illustrates the number of birth and birth rates are low. 3. Population pyramid that has headstone shape. This shape illustrates the birth rate has declined sharply and the mortality rate is very low.

Population pyramid can also be distinguished into three kinds, expansive, constructive and stationary. Expansive pyramid is a population pyramid that occurs when most residents are at young age group. The pyramid is a pyramid constructive happens when young people are few in number, while the stationary pyramid is the pyramid that occurs when the number of residents in it each group are relatively similar. Meanwhile, based on the chart, number one is expansive, number two is stationary and number three is constructive.

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