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Stage 1: 

Here the base is very wide indicating a very high birth rate. The width drops off very quickly.
This means people must be dying. Very few reach old age. Few countries are still in this stage today but
some rainforest populations would display this pattern.

Stage 2: Still a large base so high birth rate but also a wider and taller pyramid as more people are living
to older ages. This is stage two of the demographic transition model and includes many countries in
Africa such as Kenya.
Stage 3: The pyramid has a domed shape which means many people are living to older ages as quality of
life improves. There are also proportionately fewer births. This is stage three of the demographic
transition model. Chile would be a good example.

Stage 4 and 5: The pyramid has very small base due to the very low birth rates and death rates displayed
in the wide top. This would be representative of Australia that has recently come through stage three of
the demographic transition model.
DTM of stages 1 to 5.

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