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WHAT IS THE WORD by Samuel Beckett follyfolly for tofor towhat is the wordfolly from thisall thisfolly from

all thisgivenfolly given all thisseeingfolly seeing all thisthiswhat is the wordthis thisthis this hereall this this herefolly given all thisseeingfolly seeing all this this herefor towhat is the wordseeglimpseseem to glimpseneed to seem to glimpsefolly for to need to seem to glimpsewhatwhat is the wordand wherefolly for to need to seem to glimpse what wherewherewhat is the wordthereover thereaway over thereafarafar away over thereafaintafaint afar away over there whatwhatwhat is the wordseeing all thisall this thisall this this herefolly for to see whatglimpse-

seem to glimpseneed to seem to glimpseafaint afar away over there whatfolly for to need to seem to glimpse afaint afar away over there whatwhatwhat is the wordwhat is the word COMMENT DIRE foliefolie que deque decomment direfolie que de cedepuisfolie depuis cedonnfolie donn ce que devufolie vu cececomment dirececice ceciceci-citout ce ceci-cifolie donn tout cevufolie vu tout ce ceci-ci que deque decomment direvoirentrevoircroire entrevoirvouloir croire entrevoirfolie que de vouloir croire entrevoir quoiquoicomment direet oque de vouloir croire entrevoir quoi oocomment direll-basloinloin l l-bas peine-

loin l l-bas peine quoiquoicomment direvu tout cecitout ce ceci-cifolie que de voir quoientrevoircroire entrevoirvouloir croire entrevoirloin l l-bas peine quoifolie que dy vouloir croire entrevoir quoiquoicomment direcomment dire

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