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The Green Revolution: Indias Change

Henal Sutaria Senior Division Individual Website

I chose my topic, the Green Revolution, because I have an eager interest in knowing about Indias history. All my relatives are from India, and I am the first generation here. I have always loved learning about my home country and thought this to be a wonderful opportunity to learn about it! The Green Revolution seemed much more unique to learn about than a popular topic as Indias independence. The Green Revolution is not very well known to people, and I wanted to research something like that. Many of my relatives in India also had not heard of it which made me indulge into something I would be the first one to find out about. It was a very exciting journey to learn all this, and now I can share a piece of Indias history to the Indians there! I conducted my research by going through various search engines and searching different things that related to the Green Revolution such as Norman Borlaug and the HYV seed. I also went to the library and checked out some books on India. Another way I researched my topic was by going to the Chiles websites Historical Newspapers section and using a few of those papers as my sources. I chose my presentation category because I wanted to try something new. I have never made a website before, and I wanted to try to do my project in a modern style. Also, making a website

has helped me learn a step more in technology that can help me for my future endeavors. My project, the Green Revolution, relates to the National History Day theme because it was an agricultural revolution. This revolution made a great change in India to help the Indians avoid starvation and become self-sufficient. Indians had an abundance of food for themselves and for others ,so they joined in the world market of exporting grains. My topic also has result and reform. The result to the Green Revolution was abundance in food. The long-term outcome of losing groundwater is also being seen today. The Green Revolution brought about many reforms: the expansion in farmable land, double-cropping existing farmland, and using seeds with improved genetics. These reforms were successful because of Dr. M. P. Singh and Dr. Norman Borlaug who helped restore Indias food production in this revolution.

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