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Key Cozy

Material : Scrap yarn 1inch jewelry bead Co 20, join knit in round Knit all row in seed sts until about 2" or the length of your key and start decrease: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) K2tog, k6, ssk, k2tog, k6, ssk knit 1 round K2tog, k4, ssk, k2tog, k4, ssk knit 1 round K2tog, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2, ssk

Thread yarn through remain sts and pull to back and secure. Ball Co 8 sts and leave a long tail or less if you beads are smaller Row 1 : k1f&b in every sts Row 2 : p all sts Row 3 -6 : knit ( knit more or less round if you ball are difference size) row 7 : k2tog across sts Run long threaded through 8 sts pull tightly secure. Thread cast on tail to cast on sts tightly and insert bead. Sew side edge together with the same thread and secure.

This pattern note is available for personal use only. It may not be sold or used to produce items for sale.

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