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NIJBSING Term-End Examinalion December,20O5 BNS-101: NURSINGFOUNDATION

Time: 3 hours Note : Attempt all questions. M1xlnum Matks , 70


Define Nursing as a profession. Explaln th characterstics 2+8=10 of a nwsing profession. Define quality assurance- State lhe rasons for quality assurance in health carc. Describe the structurg, process and outcome standards by giving exarDpleslrom nlrsing. 2+2+6=70 Define nwsing iheory. Expiain the meaning of the loilowihg trms tlsed in "Orem's Slf-Ca/e Defiit Theoty".



. . .

Sef-Care Agency Self-Care Requisits Self-Care Deticiis

Explain the applicatjon of Orem's Theory. BNS-101 1

2+4+4=10 P.T.O.


Explain the maning ol Health for All. Discues the global siralegy lor Health for Al1. 3+7=10 B{plain the basic principles ol care given during minor ailments Describe th ro)e of nurse in local endemic 5+5=10



Write short notes on al.rytorr (i) {ii) (iii)

o{ ih following :


Planning phaseof Nursingprocss Svensimple ideasto be halthy Elments of evaluation process

(iv) NursePractionet (v) (vi) Significance studlng ethicsjn Nursing of Levels of prevention of disease

(vii) Health Education and Propaganda



POST BASIC B.Sc. NURSING Term-End Examination December,2005 BNS-102 APPLIED : SCIENCES
Time : 3 hours No,e : Moxinum Marks : 70

This question papr consisisottour parts, Psri A. B, C ond D. Ansaer dll questians.

PART A (Biochemistry) Attempt oll th questions. l. Classifyihe followingas Chemicalor Physical change :

! x4=2
(i) (ii) Decayinsof leavesby Bacieria Powderingof glassmarble

(iii) Erosion of rock into soil by water liv) Curdlins ol milk



2 . Fill in the blanks :


2 A compound formed by combining metal and non metal wiih oxygen is called The _ sugars which undergo femntation sugars,

! xq=z


(iii) Lipid protein complexesare mainly found in cell . memDraneano _ (iv) A solution containing same salt content and osmotic pressureas blood is calledas -_ solution. Differentiatebetweensoap and deieIgent. Deline the processof sofiening ot wair. Describ the process of soltening used for temporary and permanenthard water. 2+3=5


(a) (b)


(d) Dilterenlidte an and d catalysr. bptween enzyme (b) Describethe characteristics an enzyme. of OR Explain the biological functionsof lipids. 5 2+3=5


Lisi the abnormal constituents of urine and the diseases 2+2=4 associatedwith ach of the abnormal conqlituents.

OR with carbohydrate Describe the abnormalitiesassociated


PART B (BioPhYsics) Attempt all the questions. l. Define Nell,ton's lirst law oJ moiion. Give iwo examples 1+3=4 from nursingto explainthis law.

2 . DiagrammaticaUyexplain how the heat balance is

mainiainedin the body. 3. Fill in the blanks : (i) 3 lx5=5

ol Numericalvalueand a unii are two characieristics Ihe error due to incoIrect calibraiion of the or incorrecl procedure is called as


(iii) Rate ol change of displacementis reJerred as (iv) diathermyis helpful in the treaimnt ol joint diseases and joint stiilness. (9 4. Baromeier i, used lo mea>urp. -.

Name the principlesof physicsapplicabl the following : in 1t5=5 (i) (ii) UnderwaierExercises Workins of B.P. Apparatus

(iii) Water mattressirnd air cushions (iv) (v) DrainaSe of fluid from chsl caviiy Drawins medicinein a syrinqelrom an ampule P.T,O


PART C (Microbiologg) Attempt oll the questions. 1. Write T for irue and F for false against the statements in
1 - ^ tYo=r (i) (ii)

Clostridiumgrows in presenceof oxygen.TE Bacillarydysentryis causdby Salmonella typhae

T/F (iii) Enierobacteria gramnegative, sporing are non bacilli.

T/'F White spots and ulcrs in ihe mouth cavity ol an infant arp car,spd cdndidaalbicdns. by T/F
(v) (vil

Typhus fever is transmitted by Rat Flea. T,1F E. coli produces an exotoxin. T,/F
t ^ _ \ o-= J


Fill in the blanks :


An organismwhich livesinsidethe body of th host is known as An agent capable of transfening a pathogen from one organismto another is called_


(iii) The principal site ol the rspiratory enzymes ol bacteria is kJ|o,en as _ . (iv) DNA is respcnsible lor-ranslerring of




prsentoutsideihe cell wall are Hair hke processs called _ .


Antibodjes ihai neutralise ioxins ot bacteria ar calld

DistingLrishbeh^,eer Rubella and Rubeola virus. OR Diflerentiata be{r,een lnnate and Adaptive immuniiy. Dilferentiatebeiv.eenCocci and Bacilli. (a) {b) Lisi ihe techniques siudyingMicrobes. o( Wriie the effect o{ heai on Micro-organisms. 3+2=5

OR Describegeneralcharacierisiics Mycopiasma. of

PT . O

PABTD (Nubition & Dletetics)

Attempt all the questions. lWtite any fiLrtrients : (iJ (ii) iiii) two iunctions ol each of the following 3

Carbohldrate Prorein Calcium


Discussditary management for a patient with Acute Renal Fariure.

5 3

3 . Write britly food saniiation measures. 4 . Fitl in th blanks:



Low purine diet is given dlrrjng management ot

(i0 High lewls ol cifculatory Jipjdsand cholesterol in the

blood is calid (iiil ladized oil is gi!'en in injection form to control

{iv) One of lbe dietary factors contributing to delayed miiestones in children is _ deficiency.


Collagen formation in any type of wound healing is hastned by _ . Deficiency of niacin causs




POST BASIC B.Sc. NURSING Term-End Examination December,2OO5 BNS-103 MATERNAL : NURSING
Time : 3 hours Note : Ansuer sll Lhequestrcns. Maximum Ma*s : 70


Mrs. Radha Rani 26 years primi-gravidahas come for Antenalalcheckupin lhe Anlendldl( linic (a) Describe the antenatal care which you will give io Radha Rani. Explain the antenataladvice you would give to her jn( udrnglhe pslchologicdl cure. t '" r - , ' it


' ,. "


Shabana, 30 yearsold secondgravida a rnother,is admitted wiih high blood sugar.Discuss specialcareyou will give the to her during antenatal period,labourand puerperium.List the foetal complication which may arise due to high blood sugar,




List any six abnormalitiesof puerperium. Explain the meaning of puerperialinfections.Describethe signs and symptoms and nursing management of mother with puer?erialinfeciions. 3+2+3+7=15


Write short notes on any three of the following : {il (ii) Role of d nurse rn family welfareserrice. Functionsof placenta


(iii) Neonatalasphyria (ivl (v) Nursingresponsibilityduringphotothrapy Ectopic pregnancy


Fill in the blanks :


Preierm baby is bom before _


Wnen umbrhcalcord lies in fronl of lhp presenring part, it is called Ovutation occurs on mensirual cycle. _ day ol the


(iv) The line lrom the sacral promontory to the upper border of the symphysispubis is called


The descent of the uterus and the \,?gina from iis normalPosilion know'as _ is


6 . Match the following :

(a) Suboccipitobregmaticdiameter Difficult labour Intrauterinegrowth {i) 12 cms

(b) (c)

(ii) 9 5 cms (iii) Smallfor date


Leading causeof in India

{iv) Birth asphyxia


Neonataljaundice appearingafier 24 72 hours ol binh {vi) Pelvic dystocia jaundice (vii) Physiolosical jaundice (viii)Pathological



Time : 3 hours Note : Answer all questions. Maxinum Marks: 70

Read the passagand write out the right answer after picking oui the right responsefrom the multiple choice section: U5=10

Sleciion of spcies is ih first step lor xenotransplantation. Greater the gntic difference betweenman and animal, strongeris the responseoJ ihe human immune sysiem in rejecting the donor organ. Baboons and pigs are the Javouredanimal species as sources of organs for xenotransplaniation Baboons, becausethey are closely rlated io human species,and pigs, becausethey are asy to bred. Though a pig can pnginearcd be qenerlcally ta.rooLr.p,lp,n orgdn.. Dig heart valves and pig organs have ihe problem of size mismatch wiih human organs.



Advancs in xenotransplantationtechnology are creating a clamour for pushinglaboratoryresearchto the stage of clinicaltrials. Quesaions : (i) According to the passage, xenotransplantation manstransplaniing (a) a pig's heart into human body (b) a pig s organ into human body (c) a pig's and baboon'sorgansinto human body

(d) animal organsinto human body (ii) For the human systemto accepta donor organ from an animal ihere shouldbe (a) (b) (c) (d) match betwn organ size pigs who have clean organs baboons closely related to humans in their physjcalappeannce least geneiic difference bet'.^reen the man and the animai

(iii) Which one of the following statementsis incorrect aboui rhe nassage ? (a) Selectingappropriaie donors is the initjal step Ior xenoiransplantation (b) (c) (d) There should b leasi genetic dlllerence lor xenotransplaniation io be successtul Pig's organs ar idenhcal in size to that ol humans Pigs are prolific breeders



ln lhe passage. the xenotmnsplantation

author i\



(a) is still at the laboraioryresearchstage (b) has alreadyreachedthe clinicaltrial stage (c) will affeci the populationo1 pigs and baboons (d) wln make humansresemblepigs According to the passage,the problem with pigs acting as donors is that (a) they cannot be genetically engineered (b) iheir heaft valvesand organsdo noi match the huinan valvesand organs (c) they breed in an uncleanenvironment (d) they breed easily



Use the right fc,rm of the verbs in the following (a) Every year, schools closed lor jn May. June I'be' fatm oI summer vacations the verb). (b) Ten people _ killed in a bus accident, yesterday ('be form of the verb). (c) Prjya ih verb). not like coffee ('do' lorm ol

(d) Mr. Das agreed to complete the work by the weekend('have form of ihe verb). (e) She evervday Jor an hour 0og).



(1i) Fill in the suitable prpositions from the options gi\,en in the brackets. Write out the sentnces using ihe correct Preposition. (a) If you are not clar about the meaning of a word, ii is wise (uplatlto) look up a dictionary. (b) (c) He is angry (onzwith,zio) me because I did not listen to his advice. Let me congratulate you (forlatlon) your

(d) That rLileis applicable lfor4ol everyone. (e) He has a habit of complaining (of,/about) even/thing.

Fill in the blanl,swith the correct ariicles. tngli.hman and We mPr Japanese was Japanese lasi Sunday. red shirt and th Englishman was wearing yellow sweater. wearing -



The company guest house is located in th centre of the city.

for Write a Wh-question thisans,wer)

(b) She drink a lot of tea, lPut question tag) (c) (dl (e) Yes, ihey enjoyedthemselves. (Make a YeslNo question) The government gave quick relif io the flood voice) v:ctims.{Changeinto passive The National School of Drama has produced some very fine actors. (Changeinto passivevoic)


3 . You have receiveda job oiler. Write a leiier ol acceptance. 1 0

Write a conversation behrena NLrrsing Sister and a Siaff Nurseabout adjLrstments work timings.(120 words) ol Make noles atler reading the tollowlnq passage I During the growing up years, children kep on gtting a bruise and burns here and ihere , ii s important that parents be aware o{ the firsi ajd, otherwisea minor incidni codd turn into an emergncy. It was for ihis purpose ihat recentlya talk 'Here is help : A firsi aid g ide to parents' by Dr. Suresh Gupta, Consultant,PaediatricEmergencyMedicineat Sri Ganga Ram Hospital was organjsed 'n New Delhis Habiiat World. It was aimed at ducatingihe parcnts io iackl situationsiike burns, choklng.head injury, drowning, nose bleeding,sprains,cuts, falls eic. Some oi the iips given by the doctor were : 'Be atteniive $'hile closins the door. Apply direct prssurin caseof nose bleedingand hold it lurther for 10 mibutes withoui break. In case of poison ingstion.nevr try io induce ihe person to vomlt. unless gou got the advice from the doctor. Nevr cut the area where the inseci has biiten. but wash it with running water for at least 20 minuts.Try to remove ihe siing. Gupta saysihre ar certainprecautions, which parenis can take to avoid emergencies. 'Don i eat medicine in the presenceof cbildren.Destroy the old ones, it any. Don t call medicines as candy, because children can at anything, anytime".

10 10




Th Iatest buzz tn health circies is iow'glycemic index (G1) of food. Her is a list of low G-1 foods, high G-1 foods. this informationin a paragraph. Summarise 10 Low G I foods Snacks made from whole grain Brown or whole grain High G 1 foods All packagedfoods Cookies, biscuits made from refined flour White rice, pasta mad Irom refined flour

Rices - long grain, basmathi, browni all dals or lentils, beans, chick peas, whole gfam pasla New potatoes, beans, com, sweet Potatoes Raw nuts, dried -

Sugar -

added cereals

Fruits like grapes, appres,organes,plums Soyabeanand its -

White breads Fruit juices



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

PART A (Sociolosy)
Attempt stl questions. l. Explain Sociolosyas a science.Describeihe prychosocral paradigmof health. 2+3=5 Define familv. List any lour disiinctivefeaturesof family. Describethe functionsof family.


3 . Discussthe sociological view of jllness. 4 . Discussthe patients definitionof sjckness.

5 5

BNS 05 1



Write ihe meaningol ihe followingterms : ii) (ii) Stratilication Caste


(iii) Class (iv) Folkwagsand Mors


Fill in the blanks i (i) The socialization which startslrom ihe laier stageoI childhood and goes to maiuriiy is called as socialization. The pattern o{ inter-relationship among individuals in


(iii) The processby which a biologicalbeing becomesa .ocial being is calleda _ {iv) Family, school, peer group are the agencies of sociali2ation. (v) White collar workers and professionals are included in _ class,

B N S1 0 5

PART B (Geoeral Psychology) Attempt all questions. Giue exdmplest'rom Nwsing ta support your answer.


Define the term Psychology.Discussthe imporiance of studyingpsychology nursing. in 1+4=5


Describe term individual the differences. Explainhow do ihe jndivjduajdiffrences orjsinate. 2+3=5


DescribeFreud\ psychosexual lheory of developmpnL

10. List th theoriesof moiivaiion.Explain any one theory of


11. Write short notes on any t.oo of the following (i) (ii) Mentalsubnormality Transler of learning


(iii) Amnesia (iv) Methods of changingaititudes



12. Fill in the blanks : (i)


An ego defensemechanismin which the individual escapes from realiiy by day-dreaming is rferred to as Eihical or moral dimension of prsonalityis calld


liii) A state ol Jocused awareness accompanied by sensorycleamess and a cntnl nervousradiness to responseis calld ,. Feelinss that energlze and direct behaliour ate called (v) All nental events especiallyperceptual ones tend rowdrdc the crrrplesl nosrjble. i\ explainpd in PsYcbologY



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