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Ivan Gonzlez Albaladejo

3rd C

Monday the 21st of May, 2012

Writing 6

The future
I think in the future we will live in other planets or satellites for example: Mars or the Moon. It will be better because in other planets we have oxygen and water in other states. It will be exist robots and flyer vehicles, it will be able to run six hundreds kilometres per hour. Well life better because we have this thinks and the people destroy weapons and it wont be able to be wars in the future. The crops will be more ecologic and the industries wont pollute the air. We wont have go to the school because informatics will introduce the elemental information in our brain. The future consoles wont have screens it will be holograms and well be able to record TV programmes and control the videogame with the mind. In summary, our life will be best than now and well have high technologies.

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