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Assalamualaikum Wr.

The one I honour. Respectable. Honourable. And my lovely audience in this bright occation. (bacaan hamdalah ) amma badu For everything I do, for every spoken I speak, for every run I joke,its always on supervision of Allah, than has been our obligation to give thankfull to the god Allah because has many mercing and blessing till we can meet in this bright occation. Peace be upon up to the Allahs messanger he is Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness. And I dont forget to thanks to the master of ceremony who has kindly to give me a little chance to speech in front of honourable audiences under the tittle

By Learning We Can Achive

At too many schools there are too many students spending too much time experiencing underachievement, when the duty of all schools is to help every pupil achieve their potential and know success. But there are also a considerable number of schools that have found ways to overcome this dearth of achievement and many of these have been involved in the Raising Achievement Transforming Learning project run by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust it is just a question of allowing teachers the time and space to share their successful approaches and learn from others. Provides an accessible overview of current research for all those working with student in pre five and early primary school - and older children with additional support needs. It looks at how the values and purposes of student can be applied to ensure young children experience active, stimulating and effective learning in ways that are appropriate to them as individuals. The teachers were enthusiastic and interested as they participated in active learning strategies designed to develop their knowledge and skills in the areas of Motivation and Assessment for Learning. On completion of the training, each teacher reflected on at least one idea and one insight they had gained, then pledged to carry out at least one intention, one change he or she would make in the classroom. And the students wiil get achive when he has many strength out of the effort Because MAN JADDA WA JADA Ok I thing enough here my speech, pardon me if there are many mistakes of me, thanks 4 ur great attention , see you.

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb

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