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Who Is A War Criminal

Posted on May 27, 2012 by Tony Dean

Object 1

Rant On UK!

William-Hague William Hague the Foreign Secretary we were made to have with this clueless coalition government in London says the Syrian regime should be held accountable for bombing buildings harbouring well armed rebels paid for largely by western governments including the British government. William Hague forgets he himself is a war criminal for ordering 800 million of ordnance to be dropped on another sovereign country Libya. We have no right murdering populations in any other country and this coalition government have no mandate from the British electorate. This being led by the nose by American oil interests has got to stop. Since the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal verdict on George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld amongst six of the last USA administration of Guilty as charged to torture and rendition and murder, our politicians should watch their step. The verdict now clears the way for other participating parties of the coalition of the willing who went to war with Iraq, to be charged with war crimes Tony Blair and his administration some of whom sit in the opposition benches should not feel too smug that they have got away with murder. This coalition would be also charged with war crimes for invading Libya with special forces and the bombing of the country.

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