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Leopold II Congo Genocide

1. What do you think motivated Leopold II more, racial prejudice or financial greed?

The driving force for Leopold II was not racial prejudice rather it was financial greed. First of

all, Leopold II deigned a hoodwinking strategy that made those who could have been against his

move at ease with him. Using the false reasons he gave, Leopold II got approval from Germany,

United States and other major powers. That was deceptive because, instead of promoting free

trade and civilization in Congo like he had promised, Leopold II focused on exploiting Congo.

2. How does the genocide compare to Hitler and the Jewish Holocaust in your eyes?

In my eyes King Leopold II Congo Genocide was of a higher magnitude than the Jewish

Holocaust. During his colonial reign he murdered African women, men and children estimated to

be 15 million making him the worst sadistically genocidal manic in our modern history.

3. If this type of genocide was taking place again in Congo today, what role should the

United States play in intervening in order to address such human tragedy?

The United States stands better grounds of influencing the right cause of action to following to

achieve peace. One of the ways is to impose economical sanctions to the oppressor which will

leave them economically incapacitated to proceeding with their inhumanity. Additionally,

besides the United States, international organizations like United Nations and Africa Union can
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play a critical role in helping to finish the genocide. Needless to say, genocide of that magnitude

can never happen in our current century.

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