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Lesson Plan Unit 7 Vocabulary and Grammar INICIO PAGES 4, 5 I Page 4: Invite students to look at the picture of the

e bank and describe it. Example: There are security guards. There is a video camera. Have them look at the code key and ask them to decode the first word on the top let: video camera. Ask them to write the word on the line. CUERPO Page 4: 1. Decode. Ask them to decode the remaining words on their own. 2. Find, circle and write. Have students look at the word snake and read the example. Ask them to find and circle the remaining words. Invite them to write them on the lines. 3. Sort. Invite students to look at the bank scene again and read all the words. Point to the teller and customer and say people. Then point to video camera and alarm and say object. Point to withdrawal and say concept. Have students sort the remaining words on their own. IF TIME REMAINS Page 6:

4. Read and write. Read the first riddle. Read the answer. Explain to students that all the people, objects and concepts from the bank are describing themselves and that they will have to guess what they are. Invite students to complete the exercise on their own. 5. Find and circle eight words. Encourage students to scan the wordsearch carefully and circle eight words from the bank vocabulary. CIERRE Ask them to exchange books with a classmate and compare their work. ANSWER KEY Pages 4-5 1. Decode. Video camera / automated teller machine / branch / security guard / alarm / teller / withdrawal / deposit / customer / exchange / safe 2. Find, circle and write. Video camera / branch / security guard / alarm / teller / withdrawal / deposit / customer 3. Sort. People: teller, customer, security guard Objects: safe, automated teller machine, video camera, alarm, branch Concepts: deposit, exchange, withdrawal Page 6 4. Read and write.

1. A video camera. 2. An alarm. 3. A security guard. 4. An automated teller machine. 5. A teller. 5. Find and circle eight words. Video camera / branch / security guard / alarm / teller / withdrawal / deposit / customer

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