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2012-05-27 1 av 4

Charity Dance show December 2nd 2012 At our school we have different profiles, the students get to study their profile subject two hours a week. The students who have dance as a profile at our school have a dance show every semester, a show that students, teachers and parents attend to. This year the students collected a voluntary fee among the audience. The money that was raced will be donated to charity next semester.

Gumaeliusskolan, rebro kommun Vxl 019-21 10 00 Box 315 10 Besksadress Tfn 019-21 22 40 701 35 REBRO Karlslundsgatan 32-40 Fax 019-21 44 33

2012-05-27 2 av 4

Gumaeliusskolan, rebro kommun Vxl 019-21 10 00 Box 315 10 Besksadress Tfn 019-21 22 40 701 35 REBRO Karlslundsgatan 32-40 Fax 019-21 44 33

2012-05-27 3 av 4

Gumaeliusskolan, rebro kommun Vxl 019-21 10 00 Box 315 10 Besksadress Tfn 019-21 22 40 701 35 REBRO Karlslundsgatan 32-40 Fax 019-21 44 33

2012-05-27 4 av 4

Gumaeliusskolan, rebro kommun Vxl 019-21 10 00 Box 315 10 Besksadress Tfn 019-21 22 40 701 35 REBRO Karlslundsgatan 32-40 Fax 019-21 44 33

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