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5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Summary Teenagers require 9 hours of sleep every night to function best.

. From our survey, we found out that most students (85%) did not get sufficient sleep at night. This is because of their hectic schedule. Half the amount of respondents (100 students) attended tuition classes after school. 34% of students have more than 6 hours of tuition per week. 36% of students also had other activities (music classes, sports, study, leisure activities such as watching television and surfing the internet and religious classes) besides tuition after school. To atone for their sleep deprivation from juggling between school and other activities, 20% of students took naps in the afternoon while 66% only took naps occasionally. 24% of the 66% of students who fell asleep in class claimed to do so because they did not get sufficient sleep while 47% say that they are tired due to their hectic schedules. 42% of students also have sleeping problems, whether it is from stress at school (41%), or being unable to finish the homework given (40%), problems with peers and family members (11%) and poor eating habits (8%). As a result from their sleep deprivation and hectic schedules, 53% of students had trouble concentrating in class, thus affecting their performance in class.


Limitations We faced several limitations while trying to carry out this research. Firstly, our sample study was too small for us to obtain more accurate results. The second limitation was the constraint of time due to our busy schedules at the end of the year.



Suggestions To overcome sleep deprivation, extra-curricular activities should be cut down as a means to help students get better and longer sleep. Distractions such as computers and television should also be removed from the students bedroom. Students should also avoid caffeine such as coffee, tea, soda and chocolate late in the day. Nicotine and alcohol should also be avoided. School classes should also begin later as students need about nine hours of sleep every night but they tend to be unable to sleep before 11.00 p.m. Last but not least, awareness of the importance of sufficient sleep should be raised through campaigns.


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