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Sleep is an important factor of every individual life. Exact time of sleep reflects

the student performance. Sleeping is a natural repetitive states of rest for the mind and

body which is essential to life. It is a natural states of rest during which your eyes are

closed and you become unconscious.

There different kind of sleeping habit but mostly late sleeping habit is the most

common especially in adolescent age. Late sleeping has a positive and negative effect.

The positive effect of late sleeping habit is that mostly the students who are engaged in

this kind of habit can get a high score in their quizzes. They said that they engaged their

selves in that kind of habit to study and finish their school works. On the other hand there

are students who engaged themselves in this particular habit just to fulfill their

enjoyment. But still the negative effects has a bigger impact in every individual. The

amount of sleep of the students gets affects his or her physical health, emotional well-

being, mental abilities, productivity and performance. Recent studies associate lack of

sleep with serious health problems such as an increased risk depression. Lack of sleep

can cause daytime sleepiness which can be reason in affecting the performance of

students in class. Students should atleast have exact time to rest their mind and body to

have a good performance and participation in class.Inadequate of sleep may lead to

depression. Engaging in this kind of habit is not actually bad as long as you know how to
discipline yourself, no matter how important is your work you need to rest your mind and


Background of the study

Sleep deprivation has a lot of consequences especially when it comes to academic

performance. Inadequate sleep can affect the mood of a person who is suffering from it ,

this can also be a reason why the participation of a student in class decreases. Sleep

deprivation has a big impact in every individuals life both physically and emotional.

Nowadays students who come up with this kind of particular topic eventually not

in a good condition. Late sleeping habit are more likely have poor sleep that affects

mental and more especially the academic performance of the students. Sleep affects the

physical growth, performance and emotional thinking. Insufficient sleep leads to daytime

sleepiness, poor self-rated quality, increased vulnerability to an accidents and poor school

achievements. It also decreased levels of alertness or concentration. Students who are

poor sleepers are much more likely to earn worse grades. The chain between sleep and

academic performance is substantial particularly in the later adolescent years, as school

performance is linked closely to academic performance may be related through several

pathways and mechanisms. Impact upon academic performance indirectly through

tardiness or school absence, with often accompanies sleep problems.

The researcher choose this topic to help the students to be aware and for them to

avoid engaging themselves in late sleeping habit. It is the most common problem of the
students due to their responsibilities and due to the over use of social media. Adolescents

are usually prone in this problem and this usually exist in school.

The Problem

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study was to conduct a research to know the Effects of

late sleeping habit to the academic performance of grade 11 students at Holy Trinity

College school year 2017-2018.

More specifically the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of late sleeping habit to the students?

2. What are the effects of late sleeping habit to the academic performance?

3. What are the reason why students have late sleeping habit?

4. What are the factors related to late sleeping habits?

5. What are the possible solutions of this problem?


This study assumes that:

 There are no effects of late sleeping habit to the academic performance of grade

11 students at Holy Trinity College school year 2017-2018

Conceptual Framework

Late sleeping
Grade 11 *Poor academic
students performance
*Decrease in

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The figure above shows the conceptual framework. Wherein it show the two

variables which are the (a) grade 11 students and (b) late sleeping habit and the effects.
Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on the effects of late sleeping habit to the academic

performance of grade 11 students at Holy Trinity College school year 20107-2018. The

researcher choose the Grade 11 students to be the respondents. This study will be

conducted through the use of questionnaire to gather data about the effects of late

sleeping habit to the performance of grade 11 students.

Significance of the Study

This part will shows to whom this study is significance and why it become

significant to them.

The study is believe to be significant in following persons or to the following areas:

The researcher focused on the effects of late sleeping habit to the academic

performance. This study is conducted to provide deeper insights on how late sleeping

habit can affect the academic performance.

The data generated from this research could provide the respondents which are the

students of Holy Trinity College an insights on what are the possible consequences of

late sleeping habit. Students should have an insights on how late sleeping habit may

affect their health and more specially their performance in school. Students should be

aware that late sleeping habit may lead them to gain worse grades in their academic

studies. The researcher provide this database of information for future reference, for the

teachers and school administration. It would be helpful to identify and clarify the

problems and issues related to late sleeping habit and may encourage students to avoid

having late sleeping habit

Future researchers would gain insights as their guide for their studies. They

would be motivated to conduct similar studies treating other variables not mentioned I the

study. School administrations and teachers would be provided with the information on

the necessity of discussing the causes and consequences of late sleeping habit.

Definition of Term

Daytime Sleepiness. It means feeling sleepy or drowsiness during daytime

Grade 11 students. The respondents of the study about the effects of late sleeping habit

Of Holy Trinity College.

Habits. Is an act of doing something repetively in his daily lifestyle.

Holy Trinity College. A school located at Alangalang, Leyte where the respondents are


Inadequate sleep. It refers to the lackness of sleep which means having not enough time

of sleep.

Late Sleeping Habit. Refers to the repeatedly sleeping late often.

Partial sleep. Not having an exact time of resting their mind and body or sleeping.

Poor Sleepers. Refers to the students who often sleep late at night and do not gain exact

time of sleep.

Sleep Deprivation. Refers of not having exact time of sleep which leads to sleep loss.

Sleeping Habit. Refers to the sleeping pattern of students or what are they doing before

sleeping which they often do.


Related Literature

Good sleeping habits is one of the reasons why students have good performance in

class. Usually students who slept more than 6 hours are considered as the one who have

good sleeping habits. Exact time of sleeping is very necessary especially in the students.

Once the student has an exact time of sleep their minds became active and they perform

well in class. Avid Ali et all 2013 stated that outstanding students were those who slept

for more than 6 hours. Therefore students who have exact time of sleep are engaged in

good sleeping habit. As they engaged themselves in that habit it results a positive

outcome on their academic performance.

According to Amy R. Wolfson, 2007 prior studies demonstrated high schoolers with

later school starts do not further delay bedtime but obtain more sleep due to later wake

times. Students without sleep disturbance obtain less sleepiness and fewer tardiness. Lack

of sleep makes the students learning abilities weaker and this causes a decrease in their
grades. Their minds do not work well and a result it lowers students grade point averages

and it also disturbs students emotionally. Students cannot focus in class when they lack in

sleep because instead of focusing in the class their minds are more on resting and not on

learning. This break in with the memory retentiveness from being in class. Sleep

deprivation interrupt the students not only physically but also emotionally (Toyreh

Blacknell, 2006).

Inadequate sleep has a big impact to student performance. It affects the students

learning skill. When students lack in sleep their mind do not work well because their

mind is busy in thinking on how they will rest. This become a big problem because

students cannot focus and participate in the class. This causes a decrease in their grades.

It lessen the student awareness from being present in class. According to Aabid Ali et al.

2013 "poorer academic performance was related significantly to reduction in night time

sleep and later times of waking up in the morning. Socioeconomic status also affects

sleep and academic performance. Sleep deprivation can cause attention deficits, daytime

somnolence and depressive mood." Sleep loss can cause a decrease in attention, daytime

drowsiness, and disconsolate mood which may lead in weaker performance of a student.

Having a partial sleep loss results a negative effects on the mood of a student, it has

also a big impact in the performance (Chiang You Chih, 2013).Partial sleep has a

negative effects on the student mood physically and emotionally. This is the reason why

students who lack in sleep get easily angry. Since their mind is focusing on how they will
sleep they don't want to be disturb. It can affect not only to the student friends but more

on his/her performance and behavior in class.

Ivanise Cortex De Soasa et al. 2007 stated that ". Adolescent present with sleep

timing delay, irregular sleep-wake schedules and short sleep duration on school days, all

resulting from biological and behavioral factors." "Discussing the causes and

consequences of adolescents short sleep duration." It is very important to know what are

the possible effects of having a delayed and short sleep duration to be aware how big is

the impact and to be aware what are the possible consequences. Irregular sleep tend to be

neglected by the adolescents not knowing it is the reason why their performance in school

decreases. Because of daytime sleepiness their study is affected. Adolescents should

know what are causes and consequences they might face in irregular sleep. This case

should not be neglected by anyone. Students should be aware to prevent disorders.

According to Philips irregular sleepers, who frequently changed the pattern of when

they slept and consequently their pattern of light dark exposure, experienced

misalignment between the circadian and the sleep wake cycle. Brigham and Women's

(2017) stated that less exposure to electronic light emitting devices before bedtime may

be effective in improving sleep regularity. In today's generation social media is of the

student favorite to use before sleeping without knowing that it is the reason why they

become poor sleepers. Exposure to light due to the use of gadgets has a big impact in

health. Which may lead to decrease the student academic performance. Gadgets is useful
in our daily life though its effects should not be disregarded. Because of social media

students cannot go to bed early which lead in becoming poor sleepers. It also affects the

student health due to radiation of the gadgets. It may also damage the user eyes because

of the electronic light. Using gadgets less us a big help to avoid of being poor sleepers.

Students should have a specific time in using their gadgets to avoid disorders.



This chapter will show what kind of research did the researcher used, what kind of

sampling it is also included the respondents or the population, what is the instrument used

by the researcher , the procedure in gathering the data and the data analysis.

Research Design

The researcher will use both Qualitative and Quantitative Research to present the

results of the gathered data about the Effects of Late Sleeping Habit through the use of

questionnaire which are distributed to the Grade 11 students in Holy Trinity College. The

researcher aims to add knowledge to the students to be aware about the Effects of Late

Sleeping Habit and on what are the possible consequences they might face.

Population and Sampling

The researcher will use availability sampling method in selecting respondents

from the two levels of Grade 11 Senior High School students of Holy Trinity College to

answer the questionnaire. The researcher gave the questionnaire to the students who are

available at that time. So far, the researcher have 29 students as the respondents of this

study. There are 19 female and 10 male.

Instrument used

The researcher used questionnaires that will be used to gather data about the

Effects of Late Sleeping Habit to the academic performance of Grade 11 students at Holy

Trinity College School Year 2107-2018. The questionnaire has 5 sections and has a scale

of 5 which are labeled as (5) Agree (4) Moderately Agree (3) Disagree (2) Moderately

Disagree and (1) Undecided. The researcher will use availability sampling method in

selecting respondents from the two levels of Grade 11 Senior High School students of

Holy Trinity College to answer the questionnaire. The researcher made 25 questions

derived from the 5 specific questions.

Data Analysis

The researcher will use percentage to describe the gather data from questionnaire.

Yet the researcher used Microsoft Excel in tallying the results of questionnaire.

The researcher used the following formula:



Findings, Analyzation and the discussion of the result of the gathered data are

presented in this chapter. Explanation of the result are shown in tables.

Table 1. Effects of Late sleeping habit to the students

Statements Agree Moderately Disagree Moderately Undecided

Agree Disagree
F % F % F % F % F %
1. Brains are likely to be 23 79 4 14 3 7 0 0 0 0
damage due to late
sleeping habit.

2. It affects the learning 19 66 7 24 2 7 0 0 1 3

skill of students.

3. It makes me feel 20 69 2 7 4 14 2 7 1 3
angry or irritable.
4. Feeling nervous or 12 41 11 36 3 10 2 7 1 3

5. Feeling depressed 18 62 5 17 4 17 1 3 1 3
Based on the data gathered in the table above the effect of late sleeping habit is

brain damaged. There are 79% or 23 respondents agreed with that brains are likely to be

damaged due to late sleeping habit; 69% or 20 respondents agreed that it makes them feel

angry or irritable; 66% or 19 respondents agreed that late sleeping habit can affects their

learning skill; 62% or 18 respondents feel depressed and 41% or 12 respondents agreed

that it makes them feel nervous or anxious. Therefore, as an effect of late sleeping habit

brains are likely to be damaged due to late sleeping habit.

Table 2. Effects of Late sleeping habit to the academic performance

Agree Moderately Disagree Moderately Undecided

Statements Agree Disagree

F % F % F % F % F %
1. Lead to poorer 13 45 11 38 3 10 1 3 1 3

academic performance.
2. Interferes memory 11 38 15 52 2 7 1 3 0 0

retention .
3. Not in mood to 9 31 13 45 3 10 4 14 1 3

participate in class.
4. Decrease in grades. 13 45 8 28 3 10 4 14 1 3
5. Lessen the awareness 21 72 6 21 0 0 1 3 1 3

of being present in class.

As shown in table 2 there are 72% or 21 respondents agreed that late sleeping

habit can lessen their aware of being present in class; 21% or 6 respondents are

moderately agreed; no one disagreed; 3% or 1 respondent is moderately disagreed and

3% or 1 respondent is undecided. While there are 45% or 13 respondents said that it can
lead them to poorer academic performance; 38% or 11 respondents are moderately

agreed; 10% or 3 respondents who disagreed; 3% or respondent is who moderately

disagreed and 3% or 1 respondent is undecided. In statement number 2 which is interferes

memory retention there are 52% or 15 respondents who are moderately agreed; 38* or 11

respondents who are agreed; 7% or 2 respondents who disagreed; 3% or 1 respondent

who moderately disagreed and no one is undecided. In statement number 3 which is not

in mood to participate in class there are 45% or 13 respondents who moderately agreed;

31% or 9 respondents who agreed; 105 or 3 respondents who disagreed; 14% or 4

respondents who moderately disagreed and 3% or 1 respondent is undecided. In

statement 4 which is decreases in grades there are 45% or 13 respondents who are agreed;

28% or 8 respondents who are moderately agreed; 10% or 3 respondents who disagreed;

14% or 4 respondents who moderately disagreed and 3% or 1 respondent is undecided.

So therefore, late sleeping habit can lessen the awareness of the students of being present

in class.

Table 3. Common reasons of Late sleeping habit

Statements Agree Moderately Disagree Moderately Undecided

Agree Disagree
F % F % F % F % F %
1. I have a lot of 17 59 7 24 3 10 1 3 1 3
assignments to be
2. I use gadgets before 16 55 7 24 4 14 2 7 0 0
3. I watch K-dramas/ 4 14 9 31 14 48 1 3 1 3
4. I read wattpad. 5 17 4 14 14 48 3 10 3 10
5. I need to study for our 13 45 9 31 4 14 3 10 0 0

The data on table 3 shows the common reason of late sleeping habit. Based on the

gathered data most reason of student is that they have a lot of assignments to be finished.

There 17 respondents out of 29 or 59% who agreed that the most common reason of late

sleeping habit is doing there assignment before sleeping. While there are 24% or 7

respondents who are moderately agree; 10% or 3 respondents are disagree which maybe

because they do not engaged themselves in late sleeping habit just to finish their

assignments or they finished their assignments before going home same as 3% or 1

respondents who are moderately agree and undecided. In the statement number 2 are 16

out of 29 students or 55% agreed that the reason of late sleeping habit is using gadgets

before sleeping;24% or 7 respondents are moderately agree; 14% or 4 respondents

disagreed and 7% or 2 respondents are moderately disagree. In statement 3 which is

watching K-dramas/ movies there are 48% or 14 respondents who disagreed that it is the

most common reason of late sleeping habit; 31% or 9 respondents are moderately agree

with that reason; 145 or 4 respondents are agreed and 3% or 1 respondent is moderately

disagree and undecided. In statement number 4 which is reading wattpad there are 48%

or 14 respondents who disagreed; 17% or 5 respondents who agreed; 14% or 4

respondents are moderately agree; 10% or 3 respondents are moderately disagree same as

the undecided. With the statement number 5 which is studying the lesson 45% or 13

respondents are agreed; 31% or 9 respondents are moderately agree; 14% or 4

respondents disagreed; 10% or 3 respondents are moderately disagree and no one is

undecided. Therefore, doing assignment is the most common reason of late sleeping habit

of the students.
Table 4. Factors related to Late Sleeping habit

Statements Agree Moderately Disagree Moderately Undecided

Agree Disagree
F % F % F % F % F %
I sleep late because: 15 52 4 14 8 28 1 3 1 3

1. I am busy using my

cell phones
2. I watch k-dramas 12 41 7 24 8 26 2 7 0 0
3. I am studying 14 48 11 38 3 10 0 0 1 3
4. I am busy texting 6 21 5 17 14 48 4 14 0 0
5. I am reviewing the 9 31 10 34 7 24 2 7 1 3


The table 3 shows the factors related to late sleeping habit. In statement number 1

which is using cellphones before sleeping there are 15 respondents or 52% that agreed;

14% or 4 respondents are moderately agree; 28% or 8 respondents are disagree; 3% or 1

respondent is moderately disagree and 3% or 1 respondent is undecided. In statement

number 2, watching k-dramas there are 41% or 12 respondents agreed; 26% or 8

respondents are disagreed; 24% or 7 respondents are moderately agree; 7% or 2

respondents are moderately disagree and no one is undecided. In statement number 3

which is studying there are 48% or 14 respondents who are agreed; 38% or 11

respondents are moderately agreed; 10% or 3 respondents who disagreed; no one is

moderately disagree and 3% or 1 respondent is undecided. In statement 4 which is busy

texting 6 respondents or 21% are agreed;17% or 5 respondents are moderately agreed; 14

respondents or 48% are disagreed; 14% or 4 respondents are moderately disagree and no

one is undecided. With the statement number 5 which is reviewing the lesson 10
respondents or 34% are moderately agreed; 9 respondents or 31% are agreed; 7

respondents or 24% are disagree; 2 respondents or 7% are moderately disagreed and 1

respondent or 3% is undecided. Therefore, using cellphones is the most related factor to

late sleeping habit.

Table 5. Possible solutions

Agree Moderatel Disagree Moderately Undecided

y Disagree

Statements F % F % F % F % F %

1. Conduct a 24 83 3 10 1 3 0 1 1 3
symposiums about the
consequences of late
sleeping habit.
2. Form good sleeping 17 53 11 38 1 3 0 0 0 0
3. Initiate programs to 22 76 5 17 1 3 1 3 0 0
improve sleeping habits.
4. Have sleep discipline. 21 72 8 21 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Discuss the possible 21 72 6 21 0 0 1 3 1 3
cause of late sleeping

The data on table 5 shows the possible solutions. In statement number 1 which is

conducting symposiums about the consequences of late sleeping habit there are 24

respondents or 83% who agreed; 3 respondents or 10% are moderately agreed; 1

respondent or 3% who disagreed; no one is moderately disagreed and there is 1

respondent or 3% undecided. In statement number 2 there are 53% or 17 out of 29

respondents who agreed; 38% or 11 respondents are moderately agreed; 3% or 1

respondent who disagreed; no one is moderately disagree and no one is undecided. With

the statement number 3 which is initiating programs to improve sleeping habits there

76% or 22 respondents who agreed; 17% or 5 respondents who moderately agreed; 3% or

1 respondent who disagreed; 3% or 1 respondent who moderately disagreed and no one is

undecided. In statement number 4 which is having a sleep discipline there are 72% or 21

respondents who agreed; 21% or 8 respondents who moderately agreed; no one

disagreed; no one is moderately disagreed and no one is undecided. So therefore, late

sleeping habit can be solved by conducting a symposiums about the consequences of late

sleeping habit.


Based on the data gathered late sleeping habit can affect the students brain. Based

on the findings brains are likely to be damaged due to late sleeping habit. Late sleeping

habit can lessen the awareness of being in present in class. The most common related

factor to late sleeping habit is using cellphones and based on the finding the most

common reasons why students sleep late at night is doing assignments. The researcher

concluded that late sleeping habit can affect the academic performance of grade 11

students at Holy trinity College school year 2017-2018.


The study revealed that Late sleeping habit can somehow help the students in

their work to be finished but the students should be aware that negative effects of Late

sleeping Habit are still threatening and this should not be disregarded. On the other hand

administration and teachers of school should atleast discuss or conduct a symposiums

once in a month.


Based study late sleeping habit can affect the students which may also lead in

affecting their academic performance. Once a person do not have an exact time of sleep
the tendency is they cannot focus on what they are doing. It lessen their awareness from

being present in the sorroundings. Sleep is very important once you disregarded its

effects it may affects your physical growth, performance and emotional thinking. Late

sleeping habit is not really bad if you will use it in a proper way.

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