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A very powerful story I read in a book that made a big impression on me goes like this: A father decided to buy

a plot of agricultural land which due to neglect by previous owners had turned barren. The father, along with his three sons, worked very hard for a year on the barren plot, and to the surprise of neighboring farmers turned around the plot of land, which started to bear good crops. The father continued relentlessly to toil on the plot, along with his three sons even after the land had been restored. The neighboring farmers were surprised as to why was he driving his sons and himself so hard, even when the plot had been restored, so they asked the father, why he was continuing to work so hard? The father replied, "I have come here to raise my sons, not the farm." The question we need to ask ourselves is, are we having the same life philosophy or not. It is very often said, the moment a person finds a job, he stops looking for work. If we need to make the leap from Good to Great and continue to become better and better, we need to have the same philosophy of considering the work we do, as a way to develop our potential, and not just a means to satiate our basic desires to be fed, clothed and sheltered. We need to realize, what is driving us our basic instincts to survive or our desire to become better and better.

Written By : Mr. Vijay Batra

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