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A Goal is a dream with a deadline

Zig Zaglar

Introduction Vision Goals Challenges of TLS Target student for TLS Student needs conclusion

Trinity Leadership is a leadership school that has a vision to make leaders and empower people and the school commence in 2001 The role of a school administrator is all encompassing from the daily running of the school to making sure that all stake holders are satisfied with the operation of the school. The administrator also has to be able to buy into the vision of the school and targets of the school are met.

To position Trinity Leadership School as one of the foremost leadership and business schools both online and offline and to aid the facilitation of programs that would be beneficial to the students of the school and all other stake holders.

Fine tuning the present school curriculum for the Basic Leadership Program stage 1 &2. Working on the other study courses and programs the school has. Liaise with the web solution consultant to create a unique school website. Work with present school coordinator and staff to meet deadline for the movement of the school to its location.

Generate a proper marketing plan (online and offline) for increasing awareness and student strength

Location: the school is located with the church and this has put a restriction on the strength of students Courses available: the courses available from the school are not broad enough to meet the knowledge gap of the students Follow up: the school does not have a follow up program that maintains a relationship with past students

Time of study: the time of study for the courses available (BLP 1 & 2) is not enough to do justice to the courses Registration criteria: the school does not have a proper registration criteria for its programs

Undergraduate and fresh graduate: to prepare them for life after school and the employment market. Post NYSC and young executives: to give them skills that equip them for the work place. Young entrepreneurs: to give them the training and skills they need to succeed in business and to grow.

Management level staff: to provide them with the necessary skills to be better at their jobs. Government employees: to build in them the responsibility of dignity and diligence. Established entrepreneurs: to give them the training needed to grow.

Training Follow-up Mentoring Business coaching Consulting

For the school to move forward it needs to have a proper plan and laid down timeline. The school needs to move to the new location at the earliest time possible There is the need to have new programs that would be properly packaged to meet with the needs of the students The schools need to be run daily and not on weekends alone.

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