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The 1912 Closson-Edgerton Maternity Pavilion The 1912 Closson-Edgerton Maternity Pavilion was a bequest by Mrs.

Minnie Closson-Edgerton in memory of her brother, James T. Closson, and her son, James Closson Edgerton. Mrs. Edgerton left $50,000 in her will with instructions to build a maternity pavilion, and if that was already in progress then the instructions were to build a children's ward. A total of $25,000 was to be used for the maternity pavilion construction, and the income from investment of the remaining $25,000 was for maintenance. This maternity pavilion was built in a similar architectural style as the 1903 Muhlenberg buildings, and there is a lengthy memorial inscription on the building. The 1912 Closson-Edgerton Maternity Pavilion was designed by Crow(e), Lewis & Wickenhofer, a New York architectural firm. The 65th edition of the Muhlenberg School of Nursing yearbook noted that the erection of this Maternity Pavilion "made it possible for the students to receive their obsterical nursing at Muhlenberg." Since Mrs. Edgerton's will provided for the maintenance of the Maternity Pavilion, this building has survived for almost 100 years. With the passage of the 2009 Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, this endowed maintenance fund could be in jeopardy, and then the building would be in jeopardy.
by N. A. Piwowar, 2011

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