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Beginning Early Childhood Education Teachers First Year Teaching Experiences



Many beginning teachers report frustration, anxiety, stress, self-doubt, lack of support, pressure, and low confidence.

Phase I: Theory Practice Gap Yes yes! I have already known what should I do. I do not know how to do that. (P2)

Lack-of support I wish someone could tell me 'You need to prepare these. Look at these examples. I really had trouble. I learned with trial and

METHOD Phase I A total of 16 senior female pre-service ECE teachers were interviewed on how they would project the first-year of teaching and their concerns. Phase II-Phase III Phase II was conducted after the first semester that participating teachers taught. Phase III was conducted after the first year of teaching with same participants. Data analysis Phenomenological approach seeking

Phase II and Phase III Infrastructure Problems in Public Schools I was the only teacher appointed in school but 56 children were registered. There was no cupboard, crayons, paper, pen, and books. I did not know the school and there was no one to guide me... It was not a pleasant start for me. (P3)

error. (P10). Non-curricular tasks It affects my teaching negatively since I spend an hour to prepare stove and I have to leave class so often. I could not control children and something may happen to them while I am dealing with stove. (P13). Improvement

Regional Problems 90% of five years old classes did not speak Turkish. We could not communicate. They could not do what I instructed because of language barrier. In the first place, I already knew that I would experience problems and difficulties but I did not expect that much. (P6).

First, my self-confidence increased immensely. The respect that teaching profession brings increased my selfconfidence. Twenty children are depending on me. I feel important because of being with them. I learn new things every day. I improve everyday and I like that. (P11)

comprehensive description and meaning of human experience (Moustakas, 1994).

Zeynep AKDA, Research Assistant at Yuzuncu Yl University, Cigdem HASER, Assistant Professor at Middle East Technical University,

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