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The play depicts a conflict within a man to abide by his morality or give in to the sexual temptation.

The situation arises when his wife has suffered a facial deformation in an accident. He was proud to have a beautiful wife and now he suffers from want of that physical beauty. He is also trying to prove his fidelity by not marrying anyone else or not leaving his wife. He tries so many stuff to prevent giving in to the temptation and the climax is the conclusion of his internal struggle.

ACT ONE SCENE ONE Mr. and Mrs. X are couple. They have been married for four years. They are in their mid 30s. they havent had a child because they want to buy a home first and then think about children. They live in a pretty busy hypothetical metro. Mr. X is works as an accountant in the bank and Mrs. X is a moral science teacher in a elementary school. Mr. is sleeping. Its 7 AM. The alarm is beeping. Mrs. X is already awake. She gets up at 6 to do her chores before sending her husband to office and then leaving for school. Alarm beeps. Beep. Beep. Beep. Mr. is annoyed by the sound and makes a sound showing his annoyance and turn offs the alarm.

SCENE TWO Mrs. X: Wake up honey! Its 7:30. You will get late again. X: (makes that sound again) Mrs. : Wake up! Breakfast is ready. Mr. (Pulls her into the bed ) Then give it to me. Mrs. : (Laughs) You have to get up. Its in the dining room. Mr: You know what I am taking about. (Starts kissing her.) Both kiss each other and starts to cuddle each other. It goes for a while. Mrs. Ok! Enough of this. Now get up and get your butt to work. (Laughs) Mr.: I was about to but you didnt let me. Mrs.: All the time romance, (Pause) Get up please. I have to go to work too. Its already late. Mr.: Alright. We will have rest of our breakfast in dinner. Mrs.: What? That didnt even make sense. Mr.: Come here. I will tell you what it means. Mrs.: Again!! Mr.: Alright. Alright.

SCENE THREE Mr. is in the bathroom. Shower is running down. He is singing some rain song. (Goes for a while) SCENE FOUR Mr. is out of the bathroom. He approaches the dining table. Mrs. Comes from the kitchen with tea. Mr.: Bread and jam! I thought you said breakfast was ready half an hour ago. Mrs.: That was to wake you up. And this is because you wasted my 15 min. Mr.: (Annoyed) Huh! You are the only wife who complains that her husband loves her too much. Mrs.: (Laughs) Its not that. And by the way, you should save some love for when I get old. Mr.: Dont worry! My love will never end for you. (Kneels down with bread with jam on it on his hand, holding it in a proposing stance) Mrs.: Aww. (Takes a bite of it) I love you. Mr.: I love you too. Mrs.: I wish you will be like this always. Mr.: Alright! (Touches her head as in giving her the wish) I will always love you like this. (Pause, hugs her) Now can I give some sample. Mrs.: Mr. Romeo. You need to go to work and me too. We need to work so we can have money and buy a home. Mr.: (Sad) Hmm (Pause, leaving her) On the note of home, I saw an advertisement in the paper regarding a double bedroom flat. Its kind of expensive but the neighborhood is nice and it is also close to the park and your school. Mrs. (Elated) Really? Are we going to see it? Mr. : If you wish. Let me call the dealer and set up a date ok. Mrs.: Ok. (Kisses him) You made my day. Mr: I always do. (Kisses her more)

SCENE Five Mr. Xs work place. There is normal office commotion. Mr. X is working on the computer. Phone rings. Mr.: Hello. X speaking. (pause) Yes Sir. (Pause ) Yes Sir. I have it completed. You want me to bring it to your office? (pause) Alright Sir. I will be there in a minute. (hangs up). X opens his drawer and take out a file. Gets up. Starts walking towards managers office. Remembers that he has forgotten his pen. Comes back and then walks back again. Its a couple of cabins away. Open a door. Mr. : May I come in Sir? Manager: Yes Please. Mr: Here are the files you requested sir.(Hands him the files) Manager: (Takes the file) Sit down. (Pause, glances in the files) Hmm.. (pause, reads something) hmm.. (pause) Everything looks fine. You completed it pretty fast. Have you been doing overtimes? Mr.: Yes sir. Manager: Its good. But dont burn out yourself. Ok. Mr.: No sir. Its just for a couple of months. I have to apply for a loan and they want to see that I have some money in my account. Manager: Loan for you house? Mr.: Yes sir. We are interested in a house in that area and we want to buy one soon. Manager: Did you contact any dealers? Mr.: I did. Mr. Y advertised an two bedroom flat and we are going to see it next week. Manager. Ohh. Mr. Y of So and so properties. Mr.: Yeah. Manager: Oh he is a friend of mine. Mr.: Thats great Manager: He is an honest person, I can tell you that. Mr.: I hope. We need honest people in these matters.

Manager: You are right. Well, Let me know how can I help you ok. Mr.: Thank you. I will. Manager: You can go now and thanks for the file. Mr. : No problem.

SCENE six Office canteen. Commotion. People eating. X and friends are chatting while eating. Friend 1: (Laughs) Everyone is a servant of his wife. They make us dance on their fingertips. Friend 2: Its your perspective. I think men also make their wives dance sometimes. Friend 1: Yeah. Only sometimes and only nights. All laughs Friend 2: So how your overtime going on X. X: Where does my overtime come here from? Friend 1: We are talking about how wives make their husbands dance for them and you are the perfect example of that. (Except X, all laughs) Dont be shy now. Tell us why have you been doing overtime. X: You all know why. Friend 2: If I had a wife who looked like Ms. Universe I will leave my work for her ever. (Again except X, rest laughs) X: Where will you keep your Ms. Universe? On road? (Except 2 all laugh) Friend 3: Leave that. Hows your house search going on? Found anything yet? X: No. Still looking. Its really hard to find something these days and everything is so expensive. Friend 2: You need to keep a queen in a palace my friend. (2 and 3 laughs) X: Are you going to quit it now? Friend 2: Alright. Alright. Sorry. So did you find anything interesting? X: Yeah. We are going to see it next week. Its expensive but its in a nice neighborhood and also close to Mrs. School. Friend 3: And what about Mrs. Mrs work place? X: Its far from here but not that far. I thought it would be better if its closer to her work place so that she dont have to go far and also a school near the house would be good for children too. Friend 2: Family planning. (All laughs) X also laughs shying.

SCENE Seven Its 6 PM. Office closing time. Most of the people have left. X is working in cabin. Manager is leaving too. He comes to X office to bade him good night. Knock on the door. X: Oh. Hello Sir. Did you need anything? You could have called. I would have come to your office. Manager: Oh no. Its alright. I didnt want to disturb you. I just have to give you these new datasheets. (Hand him over the paper) Just add these entries and look for the calculation mistakes. I dont trust other people here except you. X: Thank you for the compliment. When did you need it done ? Manager: Not soon. Take your time. X: Alright. Manager: How long are you doing to be here? X: Just two more hours. Manager: Alright. Do your work. Its good to have hard working people. But as I said, dont burn out yourself. Keep that in mind ok. X: I will. Manager: Good night then. X: Good night. Manager leaves and shuts the door. X resumes his work on computer.

(After a while his friends come in) Friend 2: Hey come Rohan, the boss his gone. Whatever impression you had to make, you did. Let go to the bar now. Rohan: You know I have stopped drinking and also I wasnt making any impression. Friend 2: Alright. But at least come with us. You dont have to tell your wife, where you were. Or if you dont want to drink, you can just enjoy the girls. Rohan: Hmm. Yeah thanks but no thanks. I am married. Friend 3: Hey leave him alone, if he doesnt want to come.

Friend 2: One day he will. Rohan: We will see. Friend 2: Yeah we will. Alright Mr. Slave. Good night. Rohan: Good night. Liver cirrhosis. They leave talking to each other and laughing.

SCENE Eight Its around 10 P.M. X has returned from his work. His house is an apartment in multistory building. Sound of a lift approaching. Automatic voice: Fifth floor. X comes out of the lift. His door is few feet away. He looks very tired. His court is on his shoulder, tie loosened and sleeves rolled up to half. There is silence, except the noise of his footsteps and unlocking and door opening. Puts in the key to unlock the door and opens it. Turn on the light. TV is on. Mrs. is watching some game show. X: You still awake? Why didnt you sleep? Mrs.: Was waiting for you. (Pause) Dont you wish if we could win a lakh of rupees in a game show. X: (Surprised by the question, tries to answer but stops) Hmm. How was your day? Mrs.: Nothing. Just like another day. (Pause, Gets up from the sofa) Dinner is ready. X: Awesome. (Delighted) (Taking of his coat and watch) Nothing new at school? I cant believe it. Mrs.; Why? X: Just saying. Mrs.: Oh. I forget. The principal committed suicide. X: (Shocked) What! Mrs.: Just kidding! (Laughs) You wanted to hear something, so I made this up. X: You are crazy. Mrs.: (Goes near him and holds his hand and looks into his eyes) I love you. X: (Kisses her) I love you too. Mrs.: Lets go and eat. X: I love that you wait for me. I feel bad that I keep you awake. But I love that feeling to eat with you. Thank you for being so lovely. Mrs.: You can thank me in bed after dinner. (laughs)

SCENE Nine Both are eating. There is occasional noise of spoon touching the bowl and plates. X: You never ask me what happened in the office. Mrs.: Yeah. X: I mean why? Mrs.: Ohh. Sorry. (Pause, eats) I dont know. X: No you do. I can see that on your face. Mrs.: Really? Some naughty kid at school might have written that. X: Oh come on. I mean metaphorically. (Long pause) Mrs.: I just dont want you to talk about work when you come home. I want you to feel like home and not like work. X: Really? Mrs.: Yeah. I know you go through a lots of stuff at work, but I dont want that stuff to bother you when you come back home. Thats why I dont talk about my work too. X: Hmm. (Long pause) X: You know you are cute.


Both are in bed and making love.

Act 2 Scene 1 X is in office on his desk. Working on computer as usual. The normal noise of a busy work place. Phone rings. X: Hello. X speaking. (Pause) Yes Sir. (Pause) No Sir. (Pause) I definitely can. No problem. (Pause) Alright Sir. He gets up from his chair and goes towards the Managers cabin. Opens the door. X: May I come in Sir. Manager: Come in. Come in. (Pause, while X approaches close to the his desk. Someone else is also sitting on the other chair. He is suited up) Meet Mr. Y. He is the seceratry to the General Manager. (Pause, faces Y) Mr. X. Our senior accountant. He is been working on our recent project. (Y gets up from his chair) Y and X: (Both shakes hand) Nice to meet you. Manager: (To X) Sit down please. (To Y) Now you can ask him in person. X looks puzzled. Y: Mr. X. Our company is thinking about acquiring the other company and we need an experienced accountant to look into their accounts to see if they have a solid business or something is messed up. And you come highly recommended. (Pause, X is still puzzled but is expecting some good news) So.. So here is the thing. I want to ask you informally if you can be executive accountant in the team and I can assure you will be rewarded appropriately. X: (Delighted. Shaking hands again) Thank you sir. I am ready for this. Y: Thats great. Well I need to put this up in our next board meeting and you will hear from us soon. Congratualtions Mr. X for the new post. X: Thank you sir. Manager: Great. Well Mr. X if you would excuse us we need to talk about other matters. I am glad you come. X: (Gets up to leave) Thank you. (To Y) Thanks once again. Leaves

SCENE 2 X is working in overtime. Manager knocks on his door. Manager: Am I disturbing you? X: Not at all sir. Manager: Congrats for the new post Mr. X. X: Thank you sir. Manager: Dont thank me. You deserved it. X: But still sir. I know it wouldnt have happened if you didnt recommend me for the job. Manager: I cant hide a jewel in my pocket. You are there to shine. X: Thank you sir. But I dont think I deserve those big words. Manager: Dont underestimate yourself ok. Alright. I should be leaving. Congrats once again. X: Thank you sir. Manager: Good night. X: Good night.

SCENE 3 X is coming back home. It is 10 PM again. He is in the lift. Again same approaching sound. Automatic voice: Fifth floor. X comes out of the lift. Today his tie is not loosened and his coat is in his arms. He looks fresh like he is going to work rather than coming from it. Walks hurriedly towards the door, unlocks it quickly and opens it and shuts it fast. He is excited. Looks towards the sofa to see if his wife is there but the TV is switched off. He is confused but still excited. He walks towards the bed room, but doesnt see her there either and then goes to look in the kitchen. X: Honey where are you? Mrs: (She sneakily walks behind him) Boo! X: (Puzzled) Whoo! What? (Then realizes that its his wife) What happened? She is also delighted. Why are you so happy? Mrs.: What? You dont like me this way? X: No. Come on I am just saying. Ok never mind. I have something that can make you super happy. Mrs.: Really? And I thought I had something that can make you super happy. X: What is it? Mrs.: No you tell me first. X: Ok. Listen. I .. Mrs.: Say it. X: I Mrs.: Now say it, else I will kill you. X: I have been promoted to the executive accountant position in our parent company. Mrs.: Really? X: Not literally, but today the secretary to the GM of our company came to our office to meet me and ask me informally and I said yes. Mrs.: Omg. (Kisses him)

X: Yeah. (Kisses her) I couldnt believe it either. Both kisses each other. Wait. What were you going to tell me? Mrs.: Today I received the call from the bank that our loan has been sanctioned. X: Thats a good news. (Both starts kissing each other and goes into bedroom.)

ACT three Scene one Its 7:01 AM. Alarm is continuously beeping. Monday 2nd April. SCENE TWO Rohan is in shower. Singing the same song. Scene three Both are at the dinner table eating breakfast. Rohan: (While eating) When are you leaving to go to see the place? Suman: (While eating) May be in the afternoon. As soon as I am finished from the school. Rohan: Just take a taxi okay. Dont go in the bus. Suman: Why? I know a bus which goes straight to the place. Rohan: Please. I will be worried. Now a days there lot of pickpocketrs and chain snatchers in the bus. (Pause) For me please. Suman: Alright. (Pause) Rohan: If you like the place then we will go this weekend together.

Scene four. Rohan is leaving for work. Rohan: Do you have the address? Suman: Yes. Rohan: And you have money? Suman: No. But dont worry. I will rob a bank before leaving. Rohan: (Annoyed and sarcastically) Dont give me straight answer okay. Suman: You dont have to worry for me this much. Rohan: Okay. (Kisses her) Text me after you are done seeing okay. Suman: Okay.

Scene Five Rohan is working on his desk. He keeps its around 1 PM. He keeps looking at his watch and mobile to see any text. Scene Six Two PM Friend 2: Hey Rohan. Did you have lunch? Rohan: No yet. Friend 2: We are going to get some. You want to join? Rohan: Sure. Give me minute. Scene Seven 2:20 PM Friends and Rohan are eating in the canteen. General commotion. Rohan keeps looking at his watch time to time. (Laughs) Friend 3: Yeah. Why wouldnt you say that. (laughs, pause, to Rohan) Hey. Whats worng? Rohan: Nothing. Friend 3: Well there is something. How about the place you went to see yesterday? Did you like it? Rohan: We couldnt see it yesterday. Friend: Why? Rohan: The dealer got some urgent work out of town, so he said we can come today or next Sunday. So Suman has gone to see it. Friend 3: And she hasnt called. Rohan:Yeah. Friend 3: See, I knew something was wrong. A Romeo cant hide his anxiety from me. (All except Rohan laughs) Rohan: Its is nothing like that. Friend 2: What happened about you promotion. Friend 3: (Shocked) Whats promotion?

Rohan: Its nothing yaar. Friend 2: Why are you hiding it? Well our hero has been promoted to senior accountant. Friend 3: Why didnt you tell us man? Rohan: I was going to but it was an informal thing. I was waiting for the formal decision. (He receives a text) (Pause) Friend 3: Or may be Suman told you not to tell us. ( All laugh) Is she telling you what to do right now? (All laughs again) Rohan: No. And I have realized that I have become a laughing stock for you guys after my marriage. You guys are going to end up like this sooner or later. Friend 2: Not with a wife who has our remote control. Rohan: She is not like what you think about her. And to say the truth I am actually proud of my wife. I am lucky to get a loving and responsible girl, not like your girlfriends who just want a gifts fro every stupid reason. I am a married man and I have a family of my own now. Its not a time to fool around in bars anymore like you guys. We have our plans and we are just being responsible. Soon we will have kids, and then we have to care about their care, education, needs and stuffs. Friend 3: And the meeting of the Family Planning commission is over. (All laugh)

Scene 7 Rohan : (On phone) How was the place? Suman: (Through phone) It was nice. I think we should definitely buy it. Rohan: Okay. But can we at least see it together before deciding on that. Suman: Yeah. But I am sure you will like it too. There is nothing to not like in that place. Its spacious and nice neighbourhood and park in front. And there is not so much traffic noise and everything is close by. Rohan: I guess you have already decided. Suman: Yes. I have. I want to that home please. Please. Rohan: Alright sweetheart. We will. Next Sunday we will book it okay. Tell the dealer that we are interested. Suman: I already did. Rohan: Hmm. Suman: Hmm. What? Love you. Rohan: I love you too. Are you going home now? Suman: Yeah. Just have to do some groceries and will be home in an hour. Rohan: Okay. Be safe ok. Suman: No I wont be. (Hangs up) Rohan: Wh Suman? Suman? Hello. Hello Suman are you there? (Tries to call her) (Rings ) Suman? Suman: Yeah. What happened. Why did you hang up? Rohan: I didnt hang up, you did. Suman: Oh.. I just see. My phone batteries are dying. Wont be able to call until I charge it ok. Rohan: Oh.. I just got worried. Suman; Dont be ok. Nothing would happen to me. Rohan: I love you.

Suman: Me too. Bye. Okay. Rohan: Bye. (Hangs up, office commotion)

Scene 8 7 PM Rohan is working on his desk. His friends are leaving. Friend 2: Hey Rohan. We are leaving. Rohan: Alright. Bye . Good night. Friend2 and 3: Good night. Rohan resumes his work. There is silence in the whole office and typing and a clocks ticking can be heard. His mobile rings. He sees its from an unsaved number. Doesnt pick up. Rohan: (In his thought) They arent going to change. The phone stops ringing. Rings again. He ignores. Stops and rings again. Rohan: (Angry) Alright. Whats wrong! (Pause) Yes it is me. Like you dont know that already. (Pause) What.. There a long buzzing sound, like what you hear in ears in total silence.. the heart beat can be heard in the background and its becoming louder and louder.. it is not fast like a normal heartbeat but really slow.. like the moment has slowed down.

Scene 9 Hospital. Rohan is running in an alley. There are people around him. He is running and occasionally looking at every woman lying on a stretcher. Some are howling in pain and that sound become loud when he crosses them but his heartbeat can be heard along with his running steps. Rohan: (Worried and gaffing) Suman. Mrs. Suman Sharma. Can you tell me she is? Operator: Was she admitted today? Rohan: (Same) Yes. She had an accident and I receive that she is being operated. Where is she? Operator: (Looks in to register) Suman Sharma. Age 24. Husbands name Rohan Sharma. Rohan: Yes. Thats me. Operator: She is still under operation. You cant see her. There are the police officers who brought her in. You can talk to them. Rohan run across the large hall toward two police officers sitting on chair placed along the wall. Rohan: My name is Rohan Sharma. I believe you brought up my wife, Suman Sharma here. Police officer: Yes. She is been admitted for operation. We were waiting for you to come. Here are stuffs which she was carrying when she had an accident. Except the vegetables which got smashed, her purse and mobile is here. Rohan: What happened ? Can you tell me? How did this happen? Police: We just received a call around 5 regarding this accident which you wife had and we rushed to the place. According to the witnesses, a fast car smashed her into the wall while she was getting out of a her taxi. Rohan: Five and you called me now? Police: We are sorry about that. Her mobile was smashed and wasnt working. We decided to bring here here first before trying to call you and then we had to find batteries that could work for her mobile. Its an expensive model but fortunately one of the doctor had it. So we figure out your number from her recent call list. (Pause, while Rohan is being confused and emotional) We understand your situation and we are sorry about it but you need to keep patience. She is being operated and probably you can see her soon. (Rohan is crying) Where is she? Police: She is OT4. You go out, take straight and a right run after four alleys. There the fourth room. (Pause) Just keep patience and hope for the best.

Rohan: (Crying) Thank you.

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