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Solving the problem of the smallness of the neutrino masses in the minimal 3-3-1 model

W. Caetano1 , D. Cogollo2 , C. A. de S. Pires1 , P. S. Rodrigues da Silva1

Departamento de Fsica, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Caixa Postal 5008, 58051-970, Joo Pessoa, PB, Brasi a

Departamento de Fsica, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Caixa Postal 10071, 58109-970, Campina Grande, Paraba, Brazil

(Dated: April 16, 2012)

The highest energy scale the minimal 3-3-1 model supports is about 4-5 TeV. Above this value we fall in a non-pertubative regime. The challenge in a scenario like this is the generation of neutrino masses at eV scale. In this work we propose a solution to this problem in the context of the minima 3-3-1 model. For this we add singlet right-handed neutrinos and a heavy scalar triplet to the particle content of the model and combine the type I with the type II seesaw mechanism in order to obtain a neutrino mass expression suppressed by high-scale M 5 in its denominator. With such suppression term we obtain naturally neutrino masses at eV scale for M around few TeVs.



An interesting class of gauge extensions of the standard model(SM) that works at TeV scale are the so-called 3-3-1 models. Among their versions the minimal 3-3-1 model is considered the most interesting one because of its phenomenological aspects based in doubly
4 charged gauge bilepton, U ++ and new quarks with electric charged 5 e and 3 e. In its original 3

version three triplets and one sextet of scalars were advocated in order to generate the correct charged fermion mass spectrum. Recently it was showed that the minimal 3-3-1 model can be implemented with two triplet of scalars only. Such short scalar sector is sucient to engender the spontaneous breaking of the SU (3)C SU (3)L U (1)N symmetry to the SU (3)C U (1)el one. The main worry here is about the mass spectrum of the fermions because two scalar triplets are not sucient to generate all the Yukawa interactions necessary to engender mass for all fermions. Thus the masses of all charged fermions were obtained part from Yukawa interactions , other part from eective operators. This is possible because the pertubative regime of the 3-3-1 model
2 requires SW < 0.25. Translating this in terms of energy, it was pointed out in Ref. [? ] that

the pertubative regime of the model goes until few TeVs. In other words, the highest energy scale the model supports is about 4-5 TeV. Above this value we fall in a non-pertubative regime. This fact solve the problem of the charged fermion masses, but an energy scale around few TeVs face dicult to generate naturally light neutrinos. For example, it was showed that the lowest eective operators that generate neutrino mass is of order seven, which is not sucient to generate neutrino masses at eV scale. The proposal of this work is to solve this problem in a most economic way. For this we combine the canonical type I with the type II seesaw mechanism for triplets. As a result of this combination, we obtain neutrino mass suppressed by the factor 5 which is sucient to generate neutrino masses at eV scale.



We consider the leptonic sector is composed by triplet and singlet of leptons in the following way,

l flL = l (1, 3, 0) , lR (1, 1, 0) lc



where l=e,, . The quark sector is the original one where, u1 di 2 1 Q1L = d1 (3, 3, + 3 ) , QiL = ui (3, 3 , 3 ), J1 Ji


2 (3, 1, + 3 );


(3, 1, 1 ); 3

JiR (3, 1, 4 ), 3 (2)

2 u1R (3, 1, + 3 ); d1R (3, 1, 1 ); J1R (3, 1, + 5 ), 3 3

where i = 2, 3. As was observed in Ref. [? ], the minimal scalar content required to engender the correct spontaneous breaking of the gauge symmetry is composed by the two scalar triplet and , + (3) = 0 (1, 3, 1), = (1, 3, 1). 0 ++ However, for the proposal of this work, we need to add a third scalar triplet what we call of , = (1, 3, 0), + which is much heavier than the other scalar triplets. Moreover, in order to avoid the eective dimension-7 operators in Ref. [? ] that generates heavy neutrino masses, we evoke the discrete symmetry Z4 with the following representation for scalars and fermion elds, ei , e3i/2 , e3i/2 , fL ei/2 fL , , R e3i/2 R , daR ei da R , uaR e3i/2 uaR , J1R ei J1R , JiR e3i/2 JiR , Q1L ei/2 Q1L 3 (5)


and all the other elds going to themselves by the Z4 symmetry. With this representation content and the Z4 symmetry, charged lepton masses come from the following eective dimension-5 operator, g Lc L LL + h.c. (6)

1 This eective operator gives the following mass term for the charged leptons ml 2 gv .

In regard to the quarks, the masses come fro the following Yukawa interactions, J Q1L J1R + J QiL JjR + 11 ij d Q1L daR + d QiL daR + 1a ia u Q1L uaR + u QiL uaR + h.c. 1a ia (7)



The neutrino masses arise from these terms, L = yf L 1 R + where y and M are 3 3 matrices. When the scalar eld develops a nonzero VEV, we say v , the neutrinos gain Dirac
C mass terms. Considering the basis = (l , R ), we can write,

MR c R + H.c. 2 R


1 L = C M + H.c., 2 where, M = withe MD =

yv . 2



, (10)


When all the eigenvalues of MR are larger than all elements of MD , we

obtain after diagonalize this mass matrix,

1 T ml MD MR MD ,

mR MR ,


In terms of order of magnitude, we have

2 v ml , M


In practical terms, we suppose that MR = M I where I is the identity matrix. The maximum value M can acquire here is around 5TeV. Thus for we have neutrino at the eV scale, we need v 102 GeV. Such small value for this VEV can be explained by a kind of type II seesaw from the potential. The most complete potential gauge invariant under SU (3)C SU (3)L U (1)N and Z4 symmetries we can construct for these scalar elds is,

V (, , ) = 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 ( )2 + 2 ( )2 + 3 ( )2 + 4 ( )( ) + 5 ( )( ) + 6 ( )( ) + 7 ( )( ) + 8 ( )( ) + 9 ( )( ) f ijk i j k + h.c. 2 Let us assume the following shift of the neutral scalars, 1 0 , 0 , 0 (v,, + R,, + iI,, ). 2 equations, (14)


Requiring the above choice of VEVs, we are going to have the following set of constraint

1 1 1 2 2 2 v (2 + 1 v + 4 v + 5 v ) f v v = 0, 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 v (2 + 2 v + 4 v + 6 v ) f v v = 0, 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 v (2 + 3 v + 5 v + 6 v ) f v v = 0. 2 2 2


Now let us assume that belong to the energy scale characteristic of the explicit violation of the lepton number which is M which, in turn, is superior to the 3-3-1 energy scale characterized by v . In other words, let us assume that = M . In view of this, is dominant in the parenthesis in the rst relation of the Eq. (15). As a result, we obtain from the rst relation above, f v v , 2M 2 On substituting this expression for v in Eq. (11), we obtain v =
2 2 f 2 v v 1 m = y T y . 8 M5



We call the attention to the fact that the trilinear term in the potential does not violate any symmetry. In other words, f is not related to any scale of energy. We are free to take any value for f . For example, on taking f = 5GeV, v = 246GeV, v = 103 GeV and M = 5 103 GeV, we obtain, m = 60y T yeV. (18)

Let us consider that the matrix y in the expression above is symmetric e real. As an illustrative example, let us consider the following set of possible values for the elements of the matrix y, y11 = 0.004321705158, y22 = 0.01069730489, y12 = y21 = 0.0008349866713, y13 = y31 = 0.006598067577, (19)

y23 = y32 = 0.01831519825, y33 = 0.009406602033

With this set of values for the elements of y, we obtain the following texture for the mass matrix ml : 0.00377809 0.00693782 0.00109649 ml = 0.00693782 0.0270601 0.0217824 eV. 0.00109649 0.0217824 0.0280744 This mass matrix mL is diagonalized by the following UP M N S mixing matrix, 0.802987 0.583404 0.121869 UP M N S = 0.485344 0.521409 0.701836 , 0.34591 0.622714 0.701836 which implies the following mixing angles 12 = 36o , 23 = 45o and e 13 = 7o . The diagonalization of the mass matrix mL yields the following masses for left-handed neutrinos, m1 = 5.7 105 , m2 = 8.8 103 and m3 = 5.0 102 which provides the following neutrino mass squared dierences: m2 m2 m2 = 7.7 105 eV 2 , 12 2 1 m2 m2 m2 = 2.4 103 eV 2 , 32 3 2



Thus, such mixing angles together with the above neutrino mass squared dierences, explain both the solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations and the recent T2K experiments.



The highest energy scale the minimal 3-3-1 model supports is about 4-5 TeV. This is interesting for many reasons. First with so low cut o energy we have, analog to large extra dimensions case, a solution to the hierarchy problem. Second, some fermion masses may arise from eective operators. This allows a remarkable reduction of the number of degree of freedom of the scalar sector of the model. For example, recently in Ref. [] it was showed that two triplet of scalars are sucient to engender the correct spontaneous breaking of the SU (3)C SU (3)L U (1)N symmetry to the SU (3)C U (1)em and generate masses for all fermions. On the other hand, so low cut o energy put a big challenge related to neutrino masses because, as it is well known, neutrino masses around eV scale require a high energy scale as explanation via seesaw mechanism. In this work we modied the minimal 3-3-1 model as presented in Ref. [] in order to generate in a plausible way small neutrino masses. For this we added singlet right handed neutrinos and a triplet of scalar . Such modication allowed we build the type I and type II seesaw mechanism and combine them in such a way that yield neutrino masses suppressed by high-scale M 5 in its denominator and, in this way, we get neutrino masses at eV scale naturally for M around few TeVs.

Appendix A

Let us check if the Yukawa interactions involving the quarks and scalars given in Eq. (7) are enough to yield the correct quark masses. The worry is whether so low vev as the predicted value for v that is, based in the Eq. (16) for the values of the free parameters xed in Sec. III, 0.0246GeV, can generate the correct values for the quark masses. Fortunately, the ups and downs quark masses both have origin in Yukawa interactions involving the triplet as well as the triplet . And as we show through illustrative examples, the vevs presented here yields correct quark masses. For the quarks ups, the Yukawa interactions yield the following mass matrix in the basis

(u1 , u2 , u3 ),

1 u u u M = 21 v 22 v 23 v . 2 u v u v u v 31 32 33 for this set of Yukawa couplings, u = 0.30, 11 u = 0.04, 21 u = 0.03, 31 u = 0.02, 12 u = 0.04; 13 u = 0.05; 23

u v 11

u v 12

u v 13


u = 0.005, 22 u = 0.04, 32

u = 0.99. 33


the type up quarks masses will be given by:

mu 3.0M eV

mc 1.22GeV

mt 171.8GeV

now, for the quarks downs , the Yukawa interactions yield the following mass matrix in the basis (d1 , d2 , d3 ),

1 d d d M = 21 v 22 v 23 v , 2 d v d v d v 31 32 33 for this set of Yukawa couplings, d = 0.025; 11 d = 0.4; 21 d = 0.173; 31 d = 0.2; 12 d = 0.4; 13 d = 0.7; 23 d = 0.015; 33

d v 11

d v 12

d v 13


d = 0.03; 22 d = 0.12; 32


the type dow quarks masses will be given by:

md 4.9M eV

mc 101M eV

mt 4.24GeV

Appendix B

In this appendix we check if the potential given in Eq. (13) is stable for the set of vevs we used in this work. For this we consider the shift of the neutral scalar given in Eq. (14) and the corresponding constraint equations given in Eq. (15) 8

After imposing the constraint equations, the square matrix mass for the doubly charged scalar elds in the (++ , ) basis has the follow form, 2 9 v f v 9 v v f v v + + 2 2 , MH++ = f 2v v 2v f 2 v v2 v v + 9 2 2v + 92 2


2 The eigenstates of the matrix in Eq. (26) will be denoted as h++ . With DetMH++ = 0 1,2 2 the charged sector has a Goldstone boson. The diagonalization of MH++ gives the following

mass spectrum: m2 ++ = 0, h


m2 ++ = h

1 2

f v v f v v 2 2 + + 9 (v + v ) . v v


We see that mh++ may be positive if 9 > 0 2 For the simply charged scalars we obtain the following square mass matrix in the basis (+ , , , + )
2 MH+ v2 f v v + 82 2v v v f v + 82 2 v v f v + 82 2 8 v 2 f v v + 2 2v

0 0
f v v + 2 2v v v f v + 7 2 2
2 7 v

0 0
v v f v + 7 2 2 7 v 2 f v v + 2 2v


0 0

0 0

2 We denote the physical eigenstates by denoted as h+ . As DetMH+ = 0 which guar1,2,3,4 2 antee that we are going to have Goldstone bosons. The diagonalization of MH+ will give us

the following mass spectrum: 1 f v v f v v 2 2 m2 + = 0, m2 + = ( + + 8 (v + v )), h1 h2 2 v v 1 f v v f v v 2 2 + + 7 (v + v )). m2 + = 0, m2 + = ( h3 h4 2 v v We see that as mh+ as well as mh+ may be positive if 7 , 8 > 0 2 4 The square matrix mass for the neutral component (0 , 0 , 0 ) of scalar elds in the basis (I , I , I ) has the follow form:


2 MI 0

fv v f v f v 4v 4 4 fv f v v f v = 4v 4 4 f v f v f v v 4 4 4v

v v v v v f v v v = v v 4 v v v v v


2 0 The eigenstates of the matrix in Eq. (31) will be denoted by g1,2,3 . as Det(MI 0 ) = 0

the CP-odd sector will have Goldstone bosons. The diagonalization of this mass matrix will give us the following mass spectrum: m20 = 0 and m20 = 0, g g
1 2


m20 = g
3 0 Note that mg3 is positive.

1 2

f v v f v v f v v + + v v v


The square matrix mass for the real neutral component (0 , 0 , 0 ) of scalar elds in the basis (R , R , R ) has the follow form: fv v f v 5 v v f v 2 4 v v + 1 v 4v 4 4 4 4 v v f v f v v 6 v v f v 4 2 + 2 v = 4 4v 4 4 4 5 v v f v 6 v v f v f v v 2 + 3 v 4 4 4 4 4v

2 MR0


2 The eigenstates of the matrix in Eq. (34) will be denoted as h0 . With DetMR0 = 0 1,2,3

we guarantee that the CP-even sector has no Goldstone bosons. The diagonalization of this matrix is not trivial. But we guarantee that for reasonable values of the s involved in it we are going to have positive masses as required by the stabilization of the potential. For we have an ideal of the values of the masses of the scalars for reasonable values for the s, we present in TABLE. I a set of values for the s involved in the mass expressions for the scalars and in we present in TABLE. II the predicted values of the masses of the scalars. The numerical values of the scalar masses obtained during this calculation are presented below:


Parameter 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 2 7 8 9 f v v v M

Value 0.1 0.29 0.1 0.1 0.9 5 GeV 0.02 GeV 246 GeV 1 TeV 5 TeV

TABLE I: A set of reasonable values for the free parameters of the potential of the model. Scalar Spectrum Mass (GeV) mh++

0 690 0 5005 5000.3 0 2254.1 3535.5 319.0 125.5






mg1,2 0 mg3 0 mh0 1 mh0 2 mh0 3

TABLE II: Predicted scalar mass spectrum based on the values of the free parameters of TABLE. I

Not that the neutral scalar h0 has mass of 125GeV for the set of values of the free 3 parameters given in TABLE. I. Its eigenvector is given by h0 3 0.98| > +0.14| >. In other words, it is basically 0 . This value fo the mass of h0 is interesting because it recover 3


the mass of the Higgs recently reported by LHC.


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