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ED 321 LESSON PLAN Lesson #6: Measuring Volume: Finding the Volume of Objects Using the Displacement Method

Outcomes: (WI Teacher Standards #1, 2)

State or district standard: o Make conversions between metric units of: length, (liquid volume, and
weight (mass)). (B.12.2, B.12.3)

o D.8.3 Determine measurement directly* using standard units (metric and US Customary) with these suggested degrees of accuracy -liquid capacity to the nearest ml Instructional objective(s): 1. Students will use the materials provided to determine the volume of various items at the lab stations to correctly solve (application) the volume measurement problems, using the displacement method. 2. Students will use knowledge of conversion factors (between metric units of volume) to correctly solve (application) conversion equations and make comparisons between units of measure for volume. Assessment: (WI Teacher Standard #8) How will you determine if the lesson objective was met? After we complete the interactive powerpoint, students will have to apply what they learned in the lab. They will practice what they learned in the lab. The students will find the volume of various objects and they will have to complete a worksheet. The worksheet will be graded and then correct answers will indicate that they have meet the objectives. Students will need to reassess and find the volume of the objects that they got wrong. Materials Needed: (WI Teacher Standard #3) List all of the materials you will need to teach this lesson. Include those you designed. Computer- Metric Mania-Volume Program (powerpoint) Metric Mania Lesson 3: Volume Worksheet Lab: Finding the Volume of Objects Using the Displacement Method

Graduated cylinders (about 12) Beakers of water Various objects to measure volume: rock a, rock b, screw, prism, magnet, marbles, popcorn kernels, 2 dominoes, rubber stopper, and blue stones needed: ___T\\ Total Time Needed: This lesson will take 35-45 minutes. Students started Metric Mania Lesson 3: Volume Worksheet yesterday in class. We will go through the worksheet and finish it by discussing it out loud and continuing on with the interactive powerpoint on measuring volume using length times width times height and the displacement method (15 minutes). Students will be given the directions for the next lab: Lab: Finding the Volume of Objects Using the Displacement Method (5 minutes). The last 15-20 minutes will be devoted to starting the lab. Procedures: Procedures: (WI Teacher Standard #7) Introduction: o The lesson will begin with a review of the Metric Mania Lesson 3: Volume Worksheet that they started yesterday, then we will continue with the interactive powerpoint and finish the worksheet. o This will take 15-20 minutes Steps for instruction: (Specify time allotments.) o The lesson will continue with giving directions for a new lab: Finding the Volume of Objects Using the Displacement Method. o This will take about 5 minutes o Students will then have the remainder of the hour (15-20 minutes) to work on the lab with their partners. Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: (WI Teacher Standard # 3) How will you meet the needs of those students who understand and finish early? How will you meet the needs of those who have difficulty understanding the material? Include any other specific concerns in your classroom and how you will plan to meet those needs.

Every student will be encouraged to participate in class discussion and in answering the interactive questions on the powerpoint. Students will need to stay interested/involved in the discussion and powerpoint so I will involve students that seem to be otherwise distracted by circulating the room and asking them questions to get them involved in the discussion. Students will then be directed to complete another lab. They will have to work in partners at the lab stations. Students will need to work together and allow one another to practice finding the volume of the various objects using graduated cylinders by applying the displacement method. The students that seem to struggle with the concepts will have opportunities to ask questions, and I will be circulating the room to make sure that all students are reading the graduated cylindar correctly and measuring the volume of the objects correctly. Closure: The lesson will conclude with the students finishing up the lab. As I walk around the room I will be checking over their answers to make sure that they are on the right page and getting the right answers.

Name: Sara Zavadsky Date: November 18, 2010

Content Area: Metric System- Mass Grade Level: 6th Grade

ED 321 Self-Assessment (Please number each self assessment) Lesson Plan #6-Measuring Volume
Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization, DiagnosisWTS: 1,7DISP: Respect Responsibility)
Explain and defend the decisions you made in choosing your objectives and the assessment tools/strategies for this lesson. Even if the lesson was given to you to teach, you must consider the effectiveness of the objectives and assessments.

This lesson was given to me to teach. I watched my CT do the lesson in her first class and then I repeated it in the next two classes. I think that this lesson was a great way for the students to review the concepts of measuring volume from the day before, and then take it one step farther by learning how to use a graduated cylinder. The interactive powerpoint was a great tool for the students to get interested in what they were doing and stay involved while having fun. In the lab, the students got plenty of practice using the graduated cylinders and measuring the volume of various irregular objects. Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination, Integrative InteractionWTS: 2,3,5DISP: Respect,
Responsibility) What were the discipline issues that presented themselves during the teaching of this lesson? How did you anticipate these and handle them?

The students were all very excited to use the interactive powerpoint lesson to learn and review along with exercising their knowledge in the lab. They really enjoyed that the lesson allowed for them to work as a whole class, and then in partners. The students love moving around and being hands on and this lesson did just that. During the powerpoint lesson, I tried to move around as much as I could to keep everyone engaged, but it was a little difficult because you had to be at the computer to be interactive with the program. The students did not have an issue with staying involved, and worked really well with each other. I walked around the lab stations to answer any questions and monitor the group work. If students were off task or struggling I was there to help them. Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative InteractionWTS: 2,3,4,5,6,7DISP: Respect Responsibility), Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis, Integrative InteractionWTS: 8,9DISP: Respect, Reflection), Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative InteractionWTS: 10DISP:
Collaboration, Communication) After teaching the lesson and analyzing student work, describe how your decisions impacted student learning. How do you know? How well did your assessment connect to the lesson objectives? Are there changes you would make or things you could have done differently? Consider student learning as you reflect on your teaching of this lesson. Explain how the evidence you obtained in your lesson (assessment) demonstrated the degree to which all students achieved your objectives.

I think that the students were able to learn from myself, their peers, and from themselves, but most importantly one another. They had to exercise their partner work skills in order to perform in the lab. After the mini lecture/ review- the students were able to put their knowledge to the test in the lab, and they did a great job doing this. It was good to let them practice in the lab the same day, after the lecture/review, so the knowledge was fresh on their minds. If I did this lesson again I would not change anything. This was a great way for them to have fun, work in groups, and practice using the graduated cylinder and measuring volume. Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative InteractionWTS: 10DISP:
Collaboration, Communication) Explain how you incorporated feedback from your cooperating teacher and supervisor, if applicable, to the planning/teaching of this lesson. What decisions did you make based on feedback received?

I did not have any feedback from the CT before I taught this lesson. I knew that lab that they were going to do, and it was very easy to understand and set up. The lab would be ready to go for me when I got there. For the review and powerpoint I piggybacked off of her without having anything planned, or even seeing it before- but it was very interactive and practically did all the teaching for me. After I taught the first class and demonstrated the lab, her and I discussed some tips to better demonstrate the lab, I taught the lesson twice after this and each time I used something different and explained it in a little bit of a different way (for each different class), and it worked great.

Evaluation from CT:

For Saras last visit, the class was learning about measuring the volume of objects. She used an internet power point lesson to teach key concepts and to give students practice in reading graduated cylinders and calculating volume using displacement. Then, the students practiced measuring volume in the lab. Before the students started the activity, Sara demonstrated how to measure the objects and certain things to remember. As they were doing the lab, she walked around to the different lab stations to answer questions and to keep students on task. Suzanne Wefler

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