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Meeting Minutes

September 17, 2007

Board members present: Tommy Taylor, Myrna Coleman, Kris Meek, Bill Schlautman, Jim
Klein and Rose Klein. Members and guests: Dennis Bislow, Sara Gregory, Kristi Bowker and
Brad Bowker.

Jim Klein has revived our non-profit status and he will be the registered agent. It cost us $10
to revive it, $10 to change the registered agent and $20 for two years. Jim also contacted the
NE Dept. of Revenue and got an EIN number and a Tax ID number for tax-exempt status.

Jim Klein made a motion that we pay $27 to Dave Steiner for web site expenses. Seconded
by Myrna Coleman. Approved.

Jim Klein made a motion that we pay Tommy Taylor $73 for the Journal/Star ad for the fall
garage sales. Seconded by Myrna Coleman. Approved.

Bill Schlautman made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Seconded by Kris
Meek. Approved.

Kris Meek brought information from Down the Hatch Bar about the outdoor party. It will
probably be next spring because it is probably too cold now. They would get the required
permits, an outdoor liquor license and port-a-potties. It would probably cost us $1,500 for half
the band costs and other expenses. They would keep the food and liquor receipts; we would
get the gate receipts. We figured we would need to have 300 people at $5 each to get our
money back. Our concerns against it: It might get rained out, we could lose money, and it
doesn’t sound like a family-oriented event. Bill Schlautman said that if we have it we should
promote the Highlands Neighborhood Association.

Jim Klein made a motion that we sponsor an outdoor party with Down the Hatch Bar.
Seconded by Myrna Coleman. After additional discussion the motion was defeated. The
overall feeling of the board was that at this time we didn’t feel it was in the best interest of the
Neighborhood Association to sponsor this party.

Kris Meek remarked that the city put up a light in the recycling area next to the Fire Station
due to the efforts of Gene Hanlon of the City Recycling Office and Jim Portis of City Parks &
Recreation. We need to send them a Thank You. Myrna Coleman will make up a letter and e-
mail it to Kris Meek. They will bring the letter to the next meeting for board members to sign.
Kris Meek suggested that we put some information in the November newsletter about Pine
Wilt and that the trees that die from it need to be removed quickly so that they don’t spread
the disease to all the other Scotch and Austrian Pines. Kris is starting to gather stories for the
newsletter. Rose Klein needs to do a short article on the pool party. Tommy needs phone
numbers to call former members.

The next meeting will be Monday, October 15, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at Fredstrom School. This
meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

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